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A Data Type
Boolean: True or False.

Instances of Boolean may appear as a value for the following properties
PropertyOn TypesDescription
abridged Book Indicates whether the book is an abridged edition.
acceptsReservations FoodEstablishment Indicates whether a FoodEstablishment accepts reservations. Values can be Boolean, an URL at which reservations can be made or (for backwards compatibility) the strings Yes or No.
cashBack PaymentCard A cardholder benefit that pays the cardholder a small percentage of their net expenditures.
contactlessPayment PaymentCard A secure method for consumers to purchase products or services via debit, credit or smartcards by using RFID or NFC technology.
directApply JobPosting Indicates whether an url that is associated with a JobPosting enables direct application for the job, via the posting website. A job posting is considered to have directApply of True if an application process for the specified job can be directly initiated via the url(s) given (noting that e.g. multiple internet domains might nevertheless be involved at an implementation level). A value of False is appropriate if there is no clear path to applying directly online for the specified job, navigating directly from the JobPosting url(s) supplied.
doesNotShip OfferShippingDetails  or
ShippingConditions  or
Indicates when shipping to a particular shippingDestination is not available.
domiciledMortgage MortgageLoan Whether borrower is a resident of the jurisdiction where the property is located.
experienceInPlaceOfEducation JobPosting Indicates whether a JobPosting will accept experience (as indicated by OccupationalExperienceRequirements) in place of its formal educational qualifications (as indicated by educationRequirements). If true, indicates that satisfying one of these requirements is sufficient.
free PublicationEvent A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free.
hasDriveThroughService Place Indicates whether some facility (e.g. FoodEstablishment, CovidTestingFacility) offers a service that can be used by driving through in a car. In the case of CovidTestingFacility such facilities could potentially help with social distancing from other potentially-infected users.
healthPlanCostSharing HealthPlanFormulary  or
The costs to the patient for services under this network or formulary.
inStoreReturnsOffered MerchantReturnPolicy Are in-store returns offered? (For more advanced return methods use the returnMethod property.)
isAcceptingNewPatients MedicalOrganization Whether the provider is accepting new patients.
isAccessibleForFree CreativeWork  or
Event  or
A flag to signal that the item, event, or place is accessible for free.
isAvailableGenerically Drug True if the drug is available in a generic form (regardless of name).
isFamilyFriendly CreativeWork  or
Offer  or
Indicates whether this content is family friendly.
isGift Order Indicates whether the offer was accepted as a gift for someone other than the buyer.
isLiveBroadcast BroadcastEvent True if the broadcast is of a live event.
isProprietary DietarySupplement  or
True if this item's name is a proprietary/brand name (vs. generic name).
isResizable 3DModel Whether the 3DModel allows resizing. For example, room layout applications often do not allow 3DModel elements to be resized to reflect reality.
isUnlabelledFallback DeliveryTimeSettings  or
This can be marked 'true' to indicate that some published DeliveryTimeSettings or ShippingRateSettings are intended to apply to all OfferShippingDetails published by the same merchant, when referenced by a shippingSettingsLink in those settings. It is not meaningful to use a 'true' value for this property alongside a transitTimeLabel (for DeliveryTimeSettings) or shippingLabel (for ShippingRateSettings), since this property is for use with unlabelled settings.
jobImmediateStart JobPosting An indicator as to whether a position is available for an immediate start.
multipleValues PropertyValueSpecification Whether multiple values are allowed for the property. Default is false.
offersPrescriptionByMail HealthPlanFormulary Whether prescriptions can be delivered by mail.
petsAllowed Accommodation  or
ApartmentComplex  or
FloorPlan  or
Indicates whether pets are allowed to enter the accommodation or lodging business. More detailed information can be put in a text value.
publicAccess Place A flag to signal that the Place is open to public visitors. If this property is omitted there is no assumed default boolean value.
readonlyValue PropertyValueSpecification Whether or not a property is mutable. Default is false. Specifying this for a property that also has a value makes it act similar to a "hidden" input in an HTML form.
recourseLoan LoanOrCredit The only way you get the money back in the event of default is the security. Recourse is where you still have the opportunity to go back to the borrower for the rest of the money.
renegotiableLoan LoanOrCredit Whether the terms for payment of interest can be renegotiated during the life of the loan.
representativeOfPage ImageObject Indicates whether this image is representative of the content of the page.
requiresSubscription ActionAccessSpecification  or
Indicates if use of the media require a subscription (either paid or free). Allowed values are true or false (note that an earlier version had 'yes', 'no').
smokingAllowed Place Indicates whether it is allowed to smoke in the place, e.g. in the restaurant, hotel or hotel room.
value MonetaryAmount  or
PropertyValue  or
The value of a QuantitativeValue (including Observation) or property value node.

  • For QuantitativeValue and MonetaryAmount, the recommended type for values is 'Number'.
  • For PropertyValue, it can be 'Text', 'Number', 'Boolean', or 'StructuredValue'.
  • Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similar Unicode symbols.
  • Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
valueAddedTaxIncluded PriceSpecification Specifies whether the applicable value-added tax (VAT) is included in the price specification or not.
valueRequired PropertyValueSpecification Whether the property must be filled in to complete the action. Default is false.

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