A Type
This term is in the "new" area - implementation feedback and adoption from applications and websites can help improve our definitions.
- Canonical URL:
- Check for open issues.
A word, name, acronym, phrase, etc. with a formal definition. Often used in the context of category or subject classification, glossaries or dictionaries, product or creative work types, etc. Use the name property for the term being defined, use termCode if the term has an alpha-numeric code allocated, use description to provide the definition of the term.
Property | Expected Type | Description |
Properties from DefinedTerm | ||
inDefinedTermSet |
DefinedTermSet or URL |
A DefinedTermSet that contains this term. |
termCode |
Text | A code that identifies this DefinedTerm within a DefinedTermSet. |
Properties from Thing | ||
additionalType |
Text or URL |
An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the use of rdf:type in RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of text values, the class label should follow the style guide. |
alternateName |
Text | An alias for the item. |
description |
Text or TextObject |
A description of the item. |
disambiguatingDescription |
Text | A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation. |
identifier |
PropertyValue or Text or URL |
The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details. |
image |
ImageObject or URL |
An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject. |
mainEntityOfPage |
CreativeWork or URL |
Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details.
Inverse property: mainEntity |
name |
Text | The name of the item. |
potentialAction |
Action | Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role. |
sameAs |
URL | URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website. |
subjectOf |
CreativeWork or Event |
A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing.
Inverse property: about |
url |
URL | URL of the item. |
Instances of
DefinedTerm may appear as a value for the following properties
Property | On Types | Description |
assesses |
CreativeWork or EducationEvent or LearningResource |
The item being described is intended to assess the competency or learning outcome defined by the referenced term. |
biologicalRole | BioChemEntity | A role played by the BioChemEntity within a biological context. |
certificationIdentification | Certification | Identifier of a certification instance (as registered with an independent certification body). Typically this identifier can be used to consult and verify the certification instance. See also gs1:certificationIdentification. |
chemicalRole |
ChemicalSubstance or MolecularEntity |
A role played by the BioChemEntity within a chemical context. |
competencyRequired |
EducationalOccupationalCredential or LearningResource |
Knowledge, skill, ability or personal attribute that must be demonstrated by a person or other entity in order to do something such as earn an Educational Occupational Credential or understand a LearningResource. |
creativeWorkStatus | CreativeWork | The status of a creative work in terms of its stage in a lifecycle. Example terms include Incomplete, Draft, Published, Obsolete. Some organizations define a set of terms for the stages of their publication lifecycle. |
credentialCategory | EducationalOccupationalCredential | The category or type of credential being described, for example "degree”, “certificate”, “badge”, or more specific term. |
educationalLevel |
CreativeWork or EducationEvent or EducationalOccupationalCredential or LearningResource |
The level in terms of progression through an educational or training context. Examples of educational levels include 'beginner', 'intermediate' or 'advanced', and formal sets of level indicators. |
educationalUse |
CreativeWork or LearningResource |
The purpose of a work in the context of education; for example, 'assignment', 'group work'. |
expressedIn | Gene | Tissue, organ, biological sample, etc in which activity of this gene has been observed experimentally. For example brain, digestive system. |
financialAidEligible |
Course or EducationalOccupationalProgram |
A financial aid type or program which students may use to pay for tuition or fees associated with the program. |
hasDefinedTerm |
DefinedTermSet or Taxon |
A Defined Term contained in this term set. |
hasMolecularFunction | BioChemEntity | Molecular function performed by this BioChemEntity; please use PropertyValue if you want to include any evidence. |
incentivizedItem | FinancialIncentive | The type or specific product(s) and/or service(s) being incentivized. DefinedTermSets are used for product and service categories such as the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code:
For a specific product or service, use the Product type:
For multiple different incentivized items, use multiple DefinedTerm or Product.
industry | JobPosting | The industry associated with the job position. |
isInvolvedInBiologicalProcess | BioChemEntity | Biological process this BioChemEntity is involved in; please use PropertyValue if you want to include any evidence. |
isLocatedInSubcellularLocation | BioChemEntity | Subcellular location where this BioChemEntity is located; please use PropertyValue if you want to include any evidence. |
jobTitle | Person | The job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager). |
keywords |
CreativeWork or Event or Organization or Place or Product |
Keywords or tags used to describe some item. Multiple textual entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas, or by repeating the property. |
learningResourceType |
CreativeWork or LearningResource |
The predominant type or kind characterizing the learning resource. For example, 'presentation', 'handout'. |
measurementMethod |
DataCatalog or DataDownload or Dataset or Observation or PropertyValue or StatisticalVariable |
A subproperty of measurementTechnique that can be used for specifying specific methods, in particular via MeasurementMethodEnum. |
measurementTechnique |
DataCatalog or DataDownload or Dataset or Observation or PropertyValue or StatisticalVariable |
A technique, method or technology used in an Observation, StatisticalVariable or Dataset (or DataDownload, DataCatalog), corresponding to the method used for measuring the corresponding variable(s) (for datasets, described using variableMeasured; for Observation, a StatisticalVariable). Often but not necessarily each variableMeasured will have an explicit representation as (or mapping to) an property such as those defined in, or other RDF vocabularies and "knowledge graphs". In that case the subproperty of variableMeasured called measuredProperty is applicable. The measurementTechnique property helps when extra clarification is needed about how a measuredProperty was measured. This is oriented towards scientific and scholarly dataset publication but may have broader applicability; it is not intended as a full representation of measurement, but can often serve as a high level summary for dataset discovery. For example, if variableMeasured is: molecule concentration, measurementTechnique could be: "mass spectrometry" or "nmr spectroscopy" or "colorimetry" or "immunofluorescence". If the variableMeasured is "depression rating", the measurementTechnique could be "Zung Scale" or "HAM-D" or "Beck Depression Inventory". If there are several variableMeasured properties recorded for some given data object, use a PropertyValue for each variableMeasured and attach the corresponding measurementTechnique. The value can also be from an enumeration, organized as a MeasurementMetholdEnumeration. |
pattern |
CreativeWork or Product |
A pattern that something has, for example 'polka dot', 'striped', 'Canadian flag'. Values are typically expressed as text, although links to controlled value schemes are also supported. |
physicalRequirement | JobPosting | A description of the types of physical activity associated with the job. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term. |
potentialUse |
ChemicalSubstance or MolecularEntity |
Intended use of the BioChemEntity by humans. |
programType | EducationalOccupationalProgram | The type of educational or occupational program. For example, classroom, internship, alternance, etc. |
sensoryRequirement | JobPosting | A description of any sensory requirements and levels necessary to function on the job, including hearing and vision. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term. |
size |
CreativeWork or Product |
A standardized size of a product or creative work, specified either through a simple textual string (for example 'XL', '32Wx34L'), a QuantitativeValue with a unitCode, or a comprehensive and structured SizeSpecification; in other cases, the width, height, depth and weight properties may be more applicable. |
skills |
JobPosting or Occupation or Organization or Person |
A statement of knowledge, skill, ability, task or any other assertion expressing a competency that is either claimed by a person, an organization or desired or required to fulfill a role or to work in an occupation. |
taxonomicRange | BioChemEntity | The taxonomic grouping of the organism that expresses, encodes, or in some way related to the BioChemEntity. |
teaches |
CreativeWork or EducationEvent or LearningResource |
The item being described is intended to help a person learn the competency or learning outcome defined by the referenced term. |
valueReference |
PropertyValue or QualitativeValue or QuantitativeValue |
A secondary value that provides additional information on the original value, e.g. a reference temperature or a type of measurement. |
variesBy | ProductGroup | Indicates the property or properties by which the variants in a ProductGroup vary, e.g. their size, color etc. properties can be referenced by their short name e.g. "color"; terms defined elsewhere can be referenced with their URIs. |
More specific Types
Example 1
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
Systems Research Engineer at a Software Publishers (NAICS code 511210)
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Systems Research Engineer", "industry": { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "termCode": "511210", "name": "Software Publishers", "url": "", "inDefinedTermSet": "NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)" } } </script>
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 2
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
<div> <h1>Library of Congress Resource Type: <b>Manuscript</b></h1> Code: <b>Man</b> </div>
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <h1>Library of Congress Resource Type: <b><span itemprop="name">Manuscript</span></b></h1> Code: <b><span itemprop="termCode">Man</span></b> <link itemprop="inDefinedTermSet" href=""/> </div>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<div vocab="" typeof="DefinedTerm"> <h1>Library of Congress Resource Type: <b><span property="name">Manuscript</span></b></h1> Code: <b><span property="termCode">Man</span></b> <link property="inDefinedTermSet" href=""/> </div>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
{ "@context": "", "@type": "DefinedTerm", "termCode": "Man", "inDefinedTermSet": "" }
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 3
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
<div> <div> <h1><a href="">Ballentine's Law Dictionary</a></h1> </div> <div> <h2>Dictionary term</h2> Name: calendar year<br/> Description: The period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive, of any year.<br/> In Dictionary: Ballentine's Law Dictionary </div> <div> <h2>Dictionary term</h2> Name: schema<br/> Description: A representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model.<br/> In Dictionary: Ballentine's Law Dictionary </div> </div>
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<div> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <link itemprop="additionalType" href=""> <h1><a itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="name">Ballentine's Law Dictionary</span></a></h1> </div> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <h2>Dictionary term</h2> <link itemprop="url" href=""/> Name: <span itemprop="name">calendar year</span><br/> Description: <span itemprop="description">The period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive, of any year.</span><br/> In Dictionary: Ballentine's Law Dictionary <link itemprop="inDefinedTermSet" href=""> </div> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <h2>Dictionary term</h2> <link itemprop="url" href=""/> Name: <span itemprop="name">schema</span><br/> Description: <span itemprop="description">A representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model.</span><br/> In Dictionary: Ballentine's Law Dictionary <link itemprop="inDefinedTermSet" href=""> </div> </div>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<div vocab=""> <div typeof="DefinedTermSet Book"> <h1><a property="url" href=""><span property="name">Ballentine's Law Dictionary</span></a></h1> </div> <div typeof="DefinedTerm"> <h2>Dictionary term</h2> <link property="url" href=""/> Name: <span property="name">calendar year</span><br/> Description: <span property="description">The period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive, of any year.</span><br/> In Dictionary: Ballentine's Law Dictionary <link property="inDefinedTermSet" href=""> </div> <div typeof="DefinedTerm"> <h2>Dictionary term</h2> <link propery="url" href=""/> Name: <span property="name">schema</span><br/> Description: <span property="description">A representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model.</span><br/> In Dictionary: Ballentine's Law Dictionary <link property="inDefinedTermSet" href=""> </div> </div>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
[ { "@context": "" }, { "@type": ["DefinedTermSet","Book"], "@id": "", "name": "Ballentine's Law Dictionary" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "", "name": "calendar year", "description": "The period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive, of any year.", "inDefinedTermSet": "" }, { "@type": "DefinedTerm", "@id": "", "name": "schema", "description": "A representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model.", "inDefinedTermSet": "" } ]
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 4
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
<div> <h1>Occupation Term defined by <a href="">O*Net Online</a></h1> <h2>51-6042.00 - Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders</h2> Operate or tend a variety of machines to join, decorate, reinforce, or finish shoes and shoe parts. </div>
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <h1>Occupation Term defined by <a itemprop="inDefinedTermSet" href="">O*Net Online</a></h1> <h2><span itemprop="termCode">51-6042.00</span> - <span itemprop="name">Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders</span></h2> <span itemprop="description">Operate or tend a variety of machines to join, decorate, reinforce, or finish shoes and shoe parts.</span> </div>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
<div vocab="" typeof="DefinedTerm"> <h1>Occupation Term defined by <a property="inDefinedTermSet" href="">O*Net Online</a></h1> <h2><span property="termCode">51-6042.00</span> - <span property="name">Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders</span></h2> <span property="description">Operate or tend a variety of machines to join, decorate, reinforce, or finish shoes and shoe parts.</span> </div>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
{ "@context": "", "@type": "DefinedTerm", "name": "Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders", "termCode": "51-6042.00", "description": "Operate or tend a variety of machines to join, decorate, reinforce, or finish shoes and shoe parts.", "inDefinedTermSet": "" }
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.