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A Data Type
A date value in ISO 8601 date format.

Instances of Date may appear as a value for the following properties
PropertyOn TypesDescription
applicationDeadline EducationalOccupationalProgram The date on which the program stops collecting applications for the next enrollment cycle. Flexible application deadlines (for example, a program with rolling admissions) can be described in a textual string, rather than as a DateTime.
applicationStartDate EducationalOccupationalProgram The date at which the program begins collecting applications for the next enrollment cycle.
auditDate Certification Date when a certification was last audited. See also gs1:certificationAuditDate.
availabilityEnds ActionAccessSpecification  or
Demand  or
The end of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.
availabilityStarts ActionAccessSpecification  or
Demand  or
The beginning of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.
birthDate Person Date of birth.
commentTime UserComments The time at which the UserComment was made.
dateCreated CreativeWork  or
The date on which the CreativeWork was created or the item was added to a DataFeed.
dateDeleted DataFeedItem The datetime the item was removed from the DataFeed.
dateIssued Ticket The date the ticket was issued.
dateModified CreativeWork  or
The date on which the CreativeWork was most recently modified or when the item's entry was modified within a DataFeed.
datePosted CDCPMDRecord  or
JobPosting  or
RealEstateListing  or
Publication date of an online listing.
datePublished Certification  or
Date of first publication or broadcast. For example the date a CreativeWork was broadcast or a Certification was issued.
dateRead Message The date/time at which the message has been read by the recipient if a single recipient exists.
dateVehicleFirstRegistered Vehicle The date of the first registration of the vehicle with the respective public authorities.
deathDate Person Date of death.
dissolutionDate Organization The date that this organization was dissolved.
endDate CreativeWorkSeason  or
CreativeWorkSeries  or
DatedMoneySpecification  or
EducationalOccupationalProgram  or
Event  or
MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride  or
Role  or
The end date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
exceptDate Schedule Defines a Date or DateTime during which a scheduled Event will not take place. The property allows exceptions to a Schedule to be specified. If an exception is specified as a DateTime then only the event that would have started at that specific date and time should be excluded from the schedule. If an exception is specified as a Date then any event that is scheduled for that 24 hour period should be excluded from the schedule. This allows a whole day to be excluded from the schedule without having to itemise every scheduled event.
expectedArrivalFrom ParcelDelivery The earliest date the package may arrive.
expectedArrivalUntil ParcelDelivery The latest date the package may arrive.
expires Certification  or
Date the content expires and is no longer useful or available. For example a VideoObject or NewsArticle whose availability or relevance is time-limited, a ClaimReview fact check whose publisher wants to indicate that it may no longer be relevant (or helpful to highlight) after some date, or a Certification the validity has expired.
foundingDate Organization The date that this organization was founded.
guidelineDate MedicalGuideline Date on which this guideline's recommendation was made.
jobStartDate JobPosting The date on which a successful applicant for this job would be expected to start work. Choose a specific date in the future or use the jobImmediateStart property to indicate the position is to be filled as soon as possible.
lastReviewed WebPage Date on which the content on this web page was last reviewed for accuracy and/or completeness.
legislationDate Legislation The date of adoption or signature of the legislation. This is the date at which the text is officially aknowledged to be a legislation, even though it might not even be published or in force.
legislationDateOfApplicability Legislation The date at which the Legislation becomes applicable. This can sometimes be distinct from the date of entry into force : a text may come in force today, and state it will become applicable in 3 months.
legislationDateVersion Legislation The point-in-time at which the provided description of the legislation is valid (e.g.: when looking at the law on the 2016-04-07 (= dateVersion), I get the consolidation of 2015-04-12 of the "National Insurance Contributions Act 2015")
merchantReturnDays MerchantReturnPolicy  or
Specifies either a fixed return date or the number of days (from the delivery date) that a product can be returned. Used when the returnPolicyCategory property is specified as MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow.
modelDate Vehicle The release date of a vehicle model (often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model).
orderDate Order Date order was placed.
paymentDueDate Invoice  or
The date that payment is due.
previousStartDate Event Used in conjunction with eventStatus for rescheduled or cancelled events. This property contains the previously scheduled start date. For rescheduled events, the startDate property should be used for the newly scheduled start date. In the (rare) case of an event that has been postponed and rescheduled multiple times, this field may be repeated.
priceValidUntil Offer The date after which the price is no longer available.
productionDate Product  or
The date of production of the item, e.g. vehicle.
purchaseDate Product  or
The date the item, e.g. vehicle, was purchased by the current owner.
releaseDate Product The release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.
scheduledPaymentDate Invoice The date the invoice is scheduled to be paid.
scheduledTime PlanAction The time the object is scheduled to.
sdDatePublished CreativeWork Indicates the date on which the current structured data was generated / published. Typically used alongside sdPublisher.
startDate CreativeWorkSeason  or
CreativeWorkSeries  or
DatedMoneySpecification  or
EducationalOccupationalProgram  or
Event  or
MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride  or
Role  or
The start date and time of the item (in ISO 8601 date format).
uploadDate MediaObject Date (including time if available) when this media object was uploaded to this site.
validFrom Certification  or
Demand  or
FinancialIncentive  or
LocationFeatureSpecification  or
MonetaryAmount  or
Offer  or
OpeningHoursSpecification  or
Permit  or
The date when the item becomes valid.
validThrough Demand  or
FinancialIncentive  or
JobPosting  or
LocationFeatureSpecification  or
MonetaryAmount  or
Offer  or
OpeningHoursSpecification  or
The date after when the item is not valid. For example the end of an offer, salary period, or a period of opening hours.
validUntil Permit The date when the item is no longer valid.
vehicleModelDate Vehicle The release date of a vehicle model (often used to differentiate versions of the same make and model).