Release |
Overview |
Description |
29.0 2025-03-24 |
Version 29.0 - New and updated vocabulary in the area of financial incentives, legislation, and product shipping. Various build and documentation fixes.
Issue #3572: Add vocabulary to represent financial incentives, for example in the area of sustainability: Add new type FinancialIncentive. Add new enumeration types IncentiveType, IncentiveStatus, PurchaseType, and IncentiveQualifiedExpenseType. Add new properties for use on FinancialIncentive: incentiveType, incentiveStatus, incentiveAmount, eligibleWithSupplier, incentivizedItem, qualifiedExpense, incomeLimit, purchasePriceLimit, purchaseType. Add existing properties validFrom, validThrough, areaServed, publisher, and provider for use on FinancialIncentive:
Issue #2698: Add new properties for use on Legislation to include changes to the European Legislation Identifier (ELI) model: legislationCountersignedBy, legislationDateOfApplicability, legislationAmends, legislationRepeals, legislationCommences, legislationCorrects, and legislationEnsuresImplementationOf.
Issue #3617: Enhance shipping vocabulary: Deprecate DeliveryTimeSettings and supersede by new ShippingConditions. Add existing properties for use on ShippingConditions:
shippingOrigin, shippingDestination, transitTime, shippingRate, doesNotShip, height, width, depth, and weight. Add new properties for use on ShippingConditions: orderValue, numItems, seasonalOverride. Add shippingConditions with range ShippingConditions.
Add fulfillmentType with a range of new enumeration FulfillmentTypeEnumeration.
Add ShippingService with properties fulfillmentType, handlingTime , validForMemberTier, and shippingConditions.
Add hasShippingService with range ShippingService for use on Organization and OfferShippingDetails.
Add ServicePeriod with existing properties duration, cutoffTime, and businessDays for use as additional range for handlingTime and transitTime.
Add orderPercentage and weightPercentage for use on ShippingRateSettings.
Add Mass to the range of weight.
Deprecate (moved to the attic): shippingSettingsLink, shippingLabel, and transitTimeLabel.
Issue #4321: Add new property aggregateElement for use on ItemList to allow capturing of aggregate information of list items.
Issue #4327: Correct definition for netWorth .
Issue #622: Add wordCount for use on CreativeWork .
PR #4362,
PR #4357,
PR #4353,
PR #4350,
PR #4345,
PR #4344:
Build and documentation fixes and cleanups.
28.1 2024-11-22 |
Version 28.1 - Various small additions, fixes, build improvements and site updates.
Issue #3656: Add actionProcess property.
PR #3691: Add new IPTC values to IPTCDigitalSourceEnumeration.
Issue #3583: Add StrikethroughPrice to PriceTypeEnumeration.
Issue #3381: Add skills for use on Person and Organization.
Issue #1367: Add weight for use on VisualArtWork.
Issue #2506: Promote shipping-related types under shippingDetails to GA based on significant adoption.
PR #3630: Add Text as type for paymentMethod for backwards compatibility.
PR #4292,
PR #3698,
PR #3695,
PR #3685,
PR #3684,
PR #3683,
PR #3681,
PR #3678,
PR #3677,
PR #3676,
PR #3675,
PR #3674,
PR #3672,
PR #3668,
PR #3667,
PR #3666,
PR #3662,
PR #3660,
PR #3659,
PR #3655,
PR #3654,
PR #3646,
PR #3645,
PR #3644,
PR #3643,
PR #3642,
PR #3641,
PR #3640,
PR #3639,
PR #3638,
PR #3636,
PR #3635,
PR #3631,
PR #3626,
PR #3625:
Build fixes and cleanups.
PR #4293,
PR #4304,
PR #3669,
PR #3650,
PR #3633,
PR #3632:
Site, documentation, and example updates.
28.0 2024-09-17 |
Version 28.0 - Added support for member programs. Various build improvements and site updates.
- Issue #3563:
Added support for loyalty programs through new classes MemberProgram, MemberProgramTier, and enumeration TierBenefitEnumeration. Also added properties isTierOf, hasTiers, hasMemberProgram, program, hasTierBenefit, and validForMemberTier.
- Issue #3583:
Add new enumeration value RegularPrice for enumeration PriceTypeEnumeration.
Issue #3581,
Issue #3559,
Issue #3183,
Issue #2926:
Add new enumeration values Reserved and MadeToOrder for enumeration ItemAvailability.
- Issue #3488:
Fix documentation for duration, which must be specified in ISO 8601 duration format.
- Issue #3537:
Cleanup PaymentMethod class.
- Issue #3486:
Removed non-existing link to count under statType.
- Issue #3603:
Add Organization to range of founder .
PR #3589:
PR #3598,
PR #3599,
PR #3600:
Added/improved website annotations.
PR #3562,
PR #3582,
PR #3587,
PR #3592,
PR #3593,
PR #3594,
PR #3595,
PR #3597,
PR #3601,
PR #3609,
PR #3610,
PR #3612,
PR #3615,
PR #3616,
PR #3618,
PR #3619,
PR #3623,
PR #3624:
Build fixes and cleanups.
PR #3586,
PR #3590:
Small text/color updates.
27.02 2024-07-01 |
Version 27.02 - Migrate staging from to
- PR #3556: Updates references for to
- PR #3557: Fix formatting for markdown documentation files.
27.01 2024-06-24 |
Version 27.01 - Site redesign.
27.0 2024-05-20 |
Version 27.0 - Adding support for GS1 Digital Link and a few smaller updates.
26.0 2024-02-12 |
Version 26.0 - Restoring Physician subtype of MedicalBusiness.
25.0 2024-01-22 |
Version 25.0 - Add support for Certifications and a few smaller updates.
24.0 2024-01-09 |
Version 24.0 - Adding vocabulary for describing types of digital sources (in collaboration with IPTC), and clarifying subtypes of Physician.
23.0 2023-10-17 |
Version 23.0 - A collection of small fixes based on publisher feedback.
- Issue #2858: Added agentInteractionStatistic to provide a way of counting interactions where the item of interest is in an "agent" rather than "object" role on the relevant Action.
- Issue #3376: Provided a clearer way to indicate non-Comment items that Comments are attached to, by documenting the use of parentItem on CreativeWork in general. Also made it more explicit that this is especially applicable to those creative works beneath Comment in the type hierarchy which are mentioned in the definition, i.e. Question and Answer.
- Issue #3389: Added Comment to the domain of sharedContent to better support link shares on replies/comments even though a lot of sites now support this.
- Issue #3390: Expanded range of uploadDate to include DateTime, correcting a longstanding bug.
- PR #3347: Improved error reporting in case the parsing of JSON-LD examples fails.
- PR #3348: Improvements to unit-testing code.
- PR #3349: Fixed all RDF comments that did not finish with a punctuation. Plus improved reporting of these.
22.0 2023-06-29 |
Version 22.0
21.0 2023-05-23 |
Version 21.0 - Added PoliticalParty
20.0 2023-05-22 |
Version 20.0 - Fixed a typo in maximumVirtualAttendeeCapacity.
19.0 2023-05-19 |
Version 19.0 - indicating measurement techniques with defined terms.
18.0 2023-05-18 |
Version 18.0 - Improving our ability to talk about text objects and thumbnail images for creative works.
17.0 2023-05-17 |
Version 17.0 - This is a small update, with small fixes.
16.0 2023-05-16 |
Version 16.0 - This release includes miscellaneous fixes, some additions around courses, an update to the vocabulary around statistical observations, as well as various eCommerce additions.
Changes in new area:
Changes to documentation:
- PR #3277: Consistent formatting of 'GitHub' in
Site Improvements
- Issue #3305: Fixed formatting of URIs for references to some terms from external vocabularies in CSV output files.
- PR #3202: Text for acknowledgements separated out from turtle definition files into markdown formatted files. Links to acknowledgements identified by use of contributor predicate in term definitions.
- PR #3204: Fixes to many examples that were failing internal validation tests.
- Issue #3289: Fixes typo in schemaorg.owl.
15.0 2022-10-25 |
Version 15.0 - This release includes miscellaneous fixes as well as various eCommerce additions.
Changes in Core section:
Site Improvements
14.0 2022-03-17 |
Version 14.0 - This release includes improvements and additions around audience restrictions for eCommerce.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
Site Improvements
- PR #2990:
Update supporting Python version and libraries - RDFLib 6.1, Python 3.10.
13.0 2021-07-07 |
Version 13.0 - see planning pages. This release includes a number of terms proposed by the Bioschemas project, alongside other additions around e-commerce returns policy markup, job postings, and MediaReview markup.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
- Issue #2892: Clarifications around Blog, BlogPosting and LiveBlogPosting, including better cross-referencing, and acknowledgment of related terminology ("weblog", and "blog" in the sense of posting). For clarity, the example showing LiveBlogPosting is no longer tagged to show up as an example of Blog too.
- Issue #2862: Additions proposed by the the Bioschemas community.
Adds several types for basic life science concepts. A type Taxon, with properties:
A general type BioChemEntity:
The following types are subtypes of this convenience type.
A type MolecularEntity, with properties
A type ChemicalSubstance with properties
A type Gene with additional property hasBioPolymerSequence.
A type Protein with additional property
- issue #2880: Additions to merchant return policies. Implemented in #2381. Adds ReturnLabelSourceEnumeration, ReturnMethodEnumeration and several enumerated values for these. Also adds several new enumerated values to existing ReturnFeesEnumeration.
Adds properties returnMethod,
returnPolicyCountry. A
dds new type MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
and new property returnPolicySeasonalOverride.
Adds existing additionalProperty
and itemCondition to MerchantReturnPolicy
and hasMerchantReturnPolicy to Offer
- Issue #2907: Added directApply property to indicate on a JobPosting whether
direct applications are supported.
- Issue #2844: Additional detail for MediaReview description.
To cross-reference (via link or embedded description) between ClaimReview
and MediaReview, two new properties:
associatedMediaReview. These are defined as specializations of a
common superproperty: associatedReview.
To describe exact, specific, "frozen" snapshots of a potentially changing
MediaObject, three new types:
VideoObjectSnapshot. A new property,
sha256, can be used to identify the specific file by a
hash of its contents.
To group together multiple elements for reference by itemReviewed, a new
type: MediaReviewItem. Its property,
mediaItemAppearance, can use the "snapshot" types to bundle
several different appearances of the same basic media item.
For the case of an image with embedded text, a new property: embeddedTextCaption (a subproperty of caption). To characterize the original context of a potentially decontextualized media item, a property originalMediaContextDescription, alongside
claimInterpreter, and
archivedAt to provide additional supporting information useful for fact checking and
misinformation-related workflows.
- Issue #2912: Add a Statement type, parallel to Claim, for simple statements such as "fun or interesting" facts, to distinguish them from more formal (e.g. fact-checkable) claims.
- Issue #2882: Added Organization as an expected value for buyer.
- Issue #2895: Add actor to PodcastSeries.
- Issue #991:
Adding countryOfLastProcessing and countryOfAssembly, to improve compatibility with GS1.
- Issue #2911: Added startOffset, which was accidentally
omitted from the SeekToAction definitions previously.
- Issue #2825 (also #2823): Added location, startTime and endTime to InteractionCounter.
- Issue #2832: Added positiveNotes and negativeNotes properties for Review, providing a simple dedicated syntax to support pro/con lists summarizing reviews.
Site Improvements
12.0 2021-03-08 |
Version 12.0 - see planning pages. This release consists primarily of additions to the Pending section of, alongside some bugfixes and improvements to core terms.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
- issue #2844: Updates to MediaReview reflecting community work towards clarifying a list of codes for MediaManipulationRatingEnumeration.
- issue #2810: Fixed bug: marginOfError should have values of type QuantitativeValue.
- issue #2811: Additions to support structured sizes and measurements. Implemented in #2819.
Adds SizeSystemEnumeration, WearableSizeSystemEnumeration,
SizeGroupEnumeration, WearableSizeGroupEnumeration,
MeasurementTypeEnumeration, WearableMeasurementTypeEnumeration,
BodyMeasurementTypeEnumeration, SizeSpecification
and several initial enumerated values for these. Also add sizeGroup, sizeSystem, hasMeasurement,
suggestedMeasurement, suggestedAge. Updated sizeproperty to include the new SizeSpecification type as a potential value.
Additional expected values for valueReference: MeasurementTypeEnumeration, Text and DefinedTerm.
- issue #2651: Add BackOrder as an enumeration member of ItemAvailability.
- issue #2799: Additional enumerated aspects for
HealthAspectEnumeration, and clarified HowOrWhereHealthAspect for the case of vaccines.
Additions: GettingAccessHealthAspect, AllergiesHealthAspect, SafetyHealthAspect, EffectivenessHealthAspect, PregnancyHealthAspect, IngredientsHealthAspect, HowItWorksHealthAspect.
- issue #2681: Added vocabulary around
JobPosting and Occupation so that we can explicitly indicate when degree-level qualification is not required.
Added a boolean experienceInPlaceOfEducation property for JobPosting. Also added a
new OccupationalExperienceRequirements type as an additional possible value for the existing
experienceRequirements property. Added a number-valued property monthsOfExperience for use on OccupationalExperienceRequirements.
- issue #2877: Added ResearchOrganization.
Site Improvements
- PR #2706: Replaced TravisCI with GitHub Actions for continuous integration testing of changes to the schemaorg repository.
- issue #2822: Updated punctuation used in breadcrumb path displayed at the top of property pages to reflect that a property is not a subtype of the Property type.
- PR #2789: Identified and corrected 80+ broken links within site. Created a localised link checking script ( for future testing possibilities.
- PR #2800: Reorganized directory structure of repository and development environment to separate out software and test elements (into a software subdirectory) from vocabulary definition elements.
- PR #2814: Completed process of moving to https. This step included the move to https of vocabulary term definitions and consequent change to https of the canonical URI displayed under the term pages [more...] tag. The web site will continue to respond to both http and https URLs. Download files will continue to support both protocols.
- PR #2815: Fixed links in release page that return a 404 response.
11.01 2020-12-08 |
Version 11.01 - see planning pages. This interim release consists primarily of bug fixes and site improvements.
Site Improvements
- Fix invalid link to home page on Attic section (retired vocabulary).
- Reinstated home pages for auto, bib, health-lifesci and meta sections (2023 note: these are no longer used).
- Fix invalid links to section home pages on Schemas page.
- Update wording on pages for terms that are superseded, new or retired.
- Reinstated link to section home page for non-core terms.
11.0 2020-11-30 |
Version 11.0 - see planning pages. This release consists primarily of additions to the Pending section of,
alongside some bugfixes and improvements to core terms.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
- issue #1842 implemented in PR #2744: Added examples for online and mixed online & offline events. Attached to Event, eventAttendanceMode, and VirtualLocation descriptions.
- PR #2737: Removed subproperty relationship between hasCategoryCode and hasPart.
- issue #2482 implemented in PR #2736: Added examples for sameAs, titleEIDR, and editEIDR properties.
- issue #2646 implemented in PR #2719: Added new AmpStory type - "A creative work with a visual storytelling format intended to be viewed online, particularly on mobile devices". This is intended in particular, for works designed for AMP story readers. A more general supertype could be added if there is implementation interest.
- issue #2712 implemented in PR #2716: Added new PriceTypeEnumeration Enumeration type with values InvoicePrice, ListPrice, MSRP, MinimumAdvertisedPrice, SRP, SalePrice. Added to range of priceType property on the UnitPriceSpecification and CompoundPriceSpecification types.
- issue #2689 implemented in PR #2715 & PR #2758: Added new PriceComponentTypeEnumeration Enumeration type with values Installment, Subscription, Downpayment, ActivationFee, CleaningFee, DistanceFee. Added to range of new priceComponentType property on type UnitPriceSpecification. Added new billingStart and billingDuration properties on type UnitPriceSpecification.
- issue #2766: Added new
HyperToc, HyperTocEntry types, tocEntry, tocContinuation and utterances properties to support navigation and annotation within MediaObject content.
- issue #2722 implemented in PR #2732: Added SeekToAction type to be used as a value for the potentialAction property on a VideoObject type.
- issue #2740 implemented in PR #2752: Added SolveMathAction, for sites than can analyze a mathematical expression, potentially solving or simplifying it. Also added a related type, MathSolver.
- issue 1401 implemented in PR #2745: Adjusted definition of competencyRequired so that it can be used to described the skills, knowledge, ability required in order to understand a learning resource.
- issue #2764 implemented in #2765: Added DefinedTerm to learningResourceType and educationalUse.
- issue 2659: Added copyrightNotice and creditText, to help improve interoperability between and IPTC metadata.
- Added missing supertype (Intangible) to EnergyConsumptionDetails.
Site Improvements
- PR #2706: Improvements to underlying site build architecture including separation of vocabulary definition and display logic; move to Python 3; and simplified local build and test processes. Full Type hierarchy page is now more usable and accessible (collapsible navigation). Copy example to clipboard button added to Examples on term definition pages.
- PR #2760: Added structured representation of JSON-LD examples tab to Examples display on term definition pages.
- PR #2726: Removed previous RDFa term description from within html of term definition pages, replace with equivalent JSON-LD script element.
- issue #2747 implemented in PR #2748: Fixed invalid comment syntax in the JSON-LD element of 47 examples.
10.0 2020-09-07 |
Version 10.0 - see planning pages. This release consists primarily of new additions,
alongside some bugfixes and improvements to core terms.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
Site Improvements
- Issue #2663: Updated all examples to use instead of
- Style Guide: Added a style guide for schema authoring to the site, giving conventions for term naming and capitalization.
9.0 2020-07-21 |
Version 9.0 See planning pages. This release consists primarily of new additions,
alongside minimal edits to core terms to integrate the new vocabulary into the larger system.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
Site Improvements
- Issue #2304:
(implemented in PR #2654):Rationalisation of dump files. Machine readable vocabulary definition files, available from the Developers area, have been rationalised to include definitions from the core plus all sections of the vocabulary. Now download file names have been used to reflect this change. Also introduced two versions of each file, one containing http URIs the other https URIs.
8.0 2020-05-01 |
Version 8.0 See planning pages. This release consists of new additions.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
- Issue #2543: Add a nonprofitStatus property to indicate non-profit organizations, alongside an initial enumeration of non-profit organization types, NonprofitType.
- Issue #2506: Add vocabulary to help online vendors publish information about their shipping-related policies, associatted with an Offer using the shippingDetails property. Adds OfferShippingDetails and supporting properties (including deliveryTime, doesNotShip, shippingDestination, shippingLabel, shippingRate, shippingSettingsLink, transitTimeLabel). Also added supporting types ShippingDeliveryTime, DefinedRegion, PostalCodeRangeSpecification, OfferShippingDetails, ShippingRateSettings.
- Issue #2427: Simplifies education-related markup for describing what a learning resource teaches or assesses, and its educationalLevel. Allows these properties to be used for EducationEvents.
- Issue #2384: Add property to JobPosting for legal requirements relating to eligibility to work such as citizenship, visa or other documentation.
- Issue #2469: Add two properties to represent EIDR identifiers: titleEIDR and editEIDR.
7.04 2020-04-16 |
Version 7.04. See planning pages. This was a minor release, with
improvements relating to the COVID-19 response effort.
Changes in Core section:
New additions:
7.03 2020-04-02 |
Version 7.03. See planning pages. This was a minor release, with
improvements relating to the COVID-19 response effort.
New additions:
7.02 2020-03-31 |
Version 7.02. See planning pages. This was a minor release, with
improvements relating to the COVID-19 response effort.
New additions:
7.01 2020-03-22 |
Version 7.01. See planning pages. This was a minor release, with
improvements relating to the COVID-19 response effort.
Core changes
New additions:
Site Improvements
- Issue #2495: Added an example for the geographic region of a SpecialAnnouncement.
7.0 2020-03-17 |
Version 7.0. See planning pages.
Core changes
- Issue #2448: Removed several largely un-used medical health properties whose names were inappropriately general:
action, background, cause, cost, function, indication, origin, outcome, overview, phase, population, purpose, source, subtype. Note that we do not remove terms casually, but in the current case the usability consequences of keeping them in the system outweighed the benefits of retaining them, even if flagged as archived/superseded.
- Issue #1842: Introduced a VirtualLocation type, to support description of Events whose location is online.
Added eventAttendanceMode to clarify the current attendance mode of an event (online, offline or a mix). Also added a new enumeration value for eventStatus for Event: EventMovedOnline.
New additions:
Site Improvements
- Reinstated 301 redirect to https for http requests.
- Issue #2412:
Implemented in sdopythonapp submodule Issue #6:
Enhancements to CORS support, providing appropriate responses to HTTP OPTIONS request.
6.0 2020-01-21 |
Version 6.0. See planning pages.
Core changes
Other changes in Core section:
New additions:
- Issue #2372: Noted that other kinds of thing have callSign beyond radio broadcasts, in particular vehicles/boats and non-radio broadcasts. Added Vehicle, Person and BroadcastService (the latter also covers the initial type, RadioBroadcastService) to callSign accordingly.
- Issue #2384: Adds three properties to JobPosting for requirements relating to physical abilities, sensory abilities and security clearance.
- Issue #2396: Improvements to provide more information about the employer in JobPosting. Adds properties for applicationContact, employerOverview and allows DefinedTerm to be used with the industry property.
- Issue #2373: Improvements around real estate description including the addition of a property accommodationFloorPlan and type FloorPlan for use when a number of accommodation entries share a common layout. Added numberOfFullBathrooms and yearBuilt. Also noted that leaseLength is expected on Offer and that datePosted can be applied to RealEstateListing.
- Issue #2389: Changes to the new Schedule type: adds the duration property, extends the range of byDay to allow for iCal-style rule syntax and adds the scheduleTimezone property.
- Issue #2418: Added financialAidEligible property for the types of financial aid available for an EducationalOccupationalProgram.
- Issue #2429: Added a number of properties to EducationalOccupationalProgram to help represent information for determining how long a program typically takes, when terms typically run, and when applications are accepted. Specifically: applicationDeadline, applicationStartDate, educationalProgramMode, numberOfCredits, maximumEnrollment, termDuration, termsPerYear, timeOfDay, typicalCreditsPerTerm.
- Issue #2405: Add Guide and Recommendation as new types.
- Issue #2394: Added isResizable to 3DModel.
- Issue #2381: renamed ProductReturnPolicy (and related) to MerchantReturnPolicy.
- Issue #2108: (implemented in PR #2352): Introduced new type PronounceableText enabling phonetic markup of text values.
Changes in bib section:
Site Improvements
5.0 2019-11-01 |
Version 5.0. See planning pages.
New additions:
Site Improvements
- PR #2365:
Split codebase that underpins the site into a separate repository, to simplify interaction with vocabulary definition and documentation files in the schemaorg repository area.
4.0 2019-10-15 |
Version 4.0. See planning pages.
New additions:
Changes in bib section:
Site Improvements
- Issue #2331:
(implemented in PR #2332):
Fixed mobile usability issues of site - identified by Google Search Console.
- PR #2312:
Fixes typo for rdfs:label URI.
3.9 2019-08-01 |
Version 3.9. See planning pages.
Core changes
New additions:
Site Improvements
3.8 2019-07-01 |
Version 3.8. See planning pages.
Core changes
New additions:
- Issue #2040
(implemented in PR #2041):
Updated accessModeSufficient property of CreativeWork to expect type ItemList. Also updated associated examples.
- Issue #2271
(implemented in PR #2273):
Fixed inconsistencies in expected types for Date and Time expecting properties that currently only expect DateTime, by adding Date to the rangeIncludes of orderDate, validFrom, validThrough, paymentDueDate, expectedArrivalFrom,
expectedArrivalUntil, dateRead, availabilityStarts, availabilityEnds, dateDeleted, dateIssued and adding Time to the rangeIncludes of
checkoutTime, checkinTime, arrivalTime, departureTime, availabilityStarts, availabilityEnds, doorTime, endTime, startTime.
New additions:
Site Improvements
3.7 2019-06-01 |
Version 3.7. See planning pages.
Core changes
Site Improvements
3.6 2019-05-01 |
Version 3.6. See planning pages.
Core changes
Other changes in Core section:
New additions:
Site Improvements
- Issue #2054:
Corrected spelling in file.
- Issue #2215:
Corrected display of enumeration value terms that are more than 1 subclass away from a parent Enumeration value (eg. EvidenceLevelA).
- Issue #2212:
Various fixes to examples. Identified by linter tests.
- Issue #2209:
Updates to Travis test.
- Issue #2233:
Fixed non-disply of acknowledgement text on term pages.
- Issue #2229:
Stopped the duplication of references for some types in *-types.csv download files.
- Issue #2234:
Fix to JSON-LD Context file - properties with Text in their range should not have '@type: "@id"' set.
- Issue #2218:
Split Travis tests into stages for easier reporting/analysis.
3.5 2019-04-01 |
Version 3.5. See planning pages.
This release moved a number of new terms into the core. It also
simplifies and clarifies
the extension model, reducing our emphasis on using
named subdomains for topical groups of schemas. New terms introduced in 3.5 include improvements
for describing projects, grants and funding agencies; for describing open-ended date ranges (e.g. datasets);
and a substantial vocabulary for Educational and Occupational Credentials.
Core changes
Moved new terms into Core:
- Issue #1004:
- Issue #1125:
- Issue #1262:
- Issue #1293:
- Issue #2053: SpeakableSpecification, cssSelector, xpath.
- Issue #1541:
- Issue #1670:
- Issue #1689:
EmployerAggregateRating, reviewAspect.
- Issue #1698:
- Issue #1723:
- Issue #1741:
- Issue #243:
- Issue #743:
Other changes in Core section:
New additions:
- Issue #1365: In temporalCoverage, added proposed ISO 8601 notation for open-ended date ranges, e.g.
- Issue #383:
Added initial vocabulary towards improved support description of project-based funding, for example
to use with Dataset citations. See also DINGO draft, another outcome from the same Wikidata / Wikibase workshop. New types for
FundingScheme, and
ResearchProject. Developed in collaboration with
the Wikidata/Wikibase community.
- Issue #1591: Added jobLocationType property.
- Issue #2083: Added applicantLocationRequirements property.
- Issue #2085: Added membershipPointsEarned property.
- Issue #2140: Added 3DModel type.
- Issue #2109: Added callSign property, and RadioBroadcastService type.
- Issue #2111:
Added broadcastSignalModulation
and broadcastSubChannel
for use with BroadcastFrequencySpecification.
- Issue #1758:
Added ArchiveOrganization,
ArchiveComponent types, and
archiveHeld, holdingArchive properties.
- Issue #1759:
Added collectionSize and materialExtent properties.
- Issue #1978:
Educational and Occupational Credentials vocabulary and examples from the
eocred-schema community group.
Added a type EducationalOccupationalCredential
and properties credentialCategory,
recognizedBy. Minor changes to validIn,
validFor, educationRequirements,
and qualifications (linking
EducationalOccupationalCredentials to JobPostings, Occupations and Courses).
- Issue #1968:
Replaced use of hasPart and isPartOf properties on Trip type, with new subTrip and partOfTrip properties.
- Issue #1375:
Renamed the various properties and labels from geospatiallyXyz to geoXyz for brevity, e.g. geoIntersects.
- Issue #1448:
Added Manuscript, Poster, Drawing, and SheetMusic subtypes of CreativeWork.
- Issue #1976:
Added ShortStory subtype of CreativeWork.
- Issue #1816:
Added Play subtype of CreativeWork.
Site Improvements
3.4 sdo-telesto 2018-06-15 |
Version 3.4 (working name 'sdo-telesto'). See planning pages.
Clarifications around Series. Introduced an example showing ClaimReview of a clip within a larger media object.
A lot of Small fixes and maintenance edits. Numerous additions, including employment and occupation vocabulary,
a Claim type to help explore richer modeling around fact-checks, tourism-related vocabulary. Other new improvements
include amendments to the legislation vocabulary, Trust Project additions, and the proposal of an inverse of
the about property, subjectOf.
Core changes
- Issue #1902: Improvements to HowTo examples. See also #1895.
- Issue #1761: Changed mis-abbreviation of Friday as "Fri" to "Fr". Per the guidelines for openingHours, Friday should be abbreviated as "Fr." In one set of examples, it was abbreviated as "Fri.".
- Issue #1820: hyperlink to new, recommended DOI resolver.
- Issue #1894: Added reference to cryptocurrencies in description for 'paymentAccepted' and 'currenciesAccepted' properties. For consistency, also added to description of properties: 'discountCurrency', 'price', 'priceCurrency', 'currency'. Updated the description additions to reference ISO 4217 formats, cryptocurrency Ticker symbols, LETS and other currency types including single inline examples for each.
- Issue #1090: Clarified Series, CreativeWorkSeries, EventSeries. The Series type is now intangible, rather than having an inappropriate CreativeWork supertype. We have two subtypes of it, CreativeWorkSeries (successor to the original definition of Series, which was too generally named), plus the proposed EventSeries type. These domain-specific series types also have corresponding supertypes in CreativeWork and Event. See also Issue #447.
- Issue #1155: Clarified that encodingFormat, fileFormat mean the same thing, converged their definitions, and made encodingFormat the preferred term.
- Issue #1824: Fixed typos in tickerSymbol.
- Issue #1833: Added expected type ItemList to acceptedAnswer, suggestedAnswer.
- Issue #1799: Fixed an error in an example for Question type.
- Issue #1686: Added an extra ClaimReview example based on a TV clip.
- Issue #1762: Added schema mapping declarations indicating that 'name' is a subproperty of rdfs:label, and equivalentProperty of dcterms:title.
- Issue #1729: Improvements around HowTo, including declaration of CreativeWork as its supertype, and introduction of 'step' property instead of 'steps'.
- Issue #1732: Changed HowToSection and HowToStep (which support the HowTo type) to have CreativeWork as their supertype.
- Issue #1723: Introduced FAQPage, which represents a WebPage presenting one or more "Frequently asked questions".
- Issue #1935: Extend the contentRating property to also expect the Rating type.
- Issue #2020: Extend the byArtist property to also expect the Person type.
New additions:
- Issue #1670: Add a subjectOf to Thing as an inverse property of about.
- Issue #1689: Add EmployerAggregateRating as a subtype of AggregateRating to differentiate ratings for the entity as an employer and the reviewAspect property to Review and Rating to allow authors to specify the facet or relevant part of being reviewed.
- Issue #1698: Add a Occupation type with the supporting properties, many of which existed for JobPosting. A Person's occupation can be specified with hasOccupation. The Occupation's estimatedSalary is expressed as a MonetaryAmountDistribution, a subtype of the new QuantitativeValueDistribution type.
- Issue #1787: Narrowed the range of legislationJurisdiction to AdministrativeArea rather than Place. Broadened the range of legislationIdentifier to include URL, to match with the description of the property.
- Issue #1815: Added proposal for TouristDestination, TouristTrip, and Trip plus examples.
- Issue #1886: Add basic sdPublisher and sdDatePublished (and in #1866, sdLicense) markup, e.g. for when structured data created elsewhere.
- Issue #1866: Added a proposed sdLicense property.
- Issue #1776: Introduced DefinedTerm as a super type of the existing proposed term CategoryCode, to support non-categorical controlled terms.
- Issue #1828: Added a Claim type, to make explicit a concept suggested in the ClaimReview fact-checking markup.
- Issue #1773: Add a MediaSubscription type with the supporting properties to describe a subscription for viewing media. Also added ActionAccessSpecification to allow authors to specify when a ConsumeAction requires a subscription or a purchase.
- Issue #1744: Improvements around Legislation vocabulary. Changed definition of "Legislation" to make it clear that it is a document. Deleted numerous inverse properties. Fixed Range on legislationType (CategoryCode). Added legislationJurisdiction as a subproperty of spatialCoverage. Fixed Definitive into DefinitiveLegalValue to align with other values. Expanded the definition of legislationIdentifier to clarify that it can apply to string or URIs. Fixed and adjusted the examples accordingly.
- Issue #1709: Added an Occupation type and examples, to represent professions.
- Issue #1389: Updated SpeakableSpecification-related properties, 'xpath' and 'cssSelector' to explain how they relate to 'WebPageElement'. Allowed both properties to be expected on that type.
- Issue #1525: Improvement suggested by Trust Project, including addition of AskPublicNewsArticle, ownershipFundingInfo and diversityStaffingReport properties, editorial tweaks to dateline property. Second phase of additions included knowsAbout, knowsLanguage proposals (#1688.)
- Issue #1950: Added CorrectionComment and a property correction to point to it, as suggested by the Trust Project.
Changes in other named extensions
- Issue #1882: Fix to OccupationalTherapy - Made OccupationalTherapy a simple class instead of a typeof schema:MedicalSpecialty
- Issue #1677: Added (and #1900 improved) autos documentation.
Site Improvements
- Issue #1634: Aliased 'rdf:HTML' to 'HTML' in JSON-LD context definitions.
- Issue #1879: Fix to duplicate and missing properties listings in the CSV outputs for Types and Enumeration values (see also #1882).
- Issue #1878: Improvements towards a more responsive HTML design, thanks to Dan Scott.
- Issue #1857: Updated site search function to use Google Custom Search v2 API.
- Issue #1646: Updated various links to use https when referring to this site.
- Issue #1722: Continuous Integration tests now check RDFa syntax.
- Issue #1946: Linked experimental D3/RDFS and OWL representations from the developers page.
3.3 sdo-enceladus 2017-08-14 |
Version 3.3 (working name 'sdo-enceladus'). See planning pages, specifically #1569 for details.
This release introduces new types around Review, NewsArticle and Article that allow more fine-grained distinctions to be made.
It adds a TouristAttraction type to the core, and a draft PublicToilet type
as a draft proposal. It adds a HowTo vocabulary that generalizes Recipe-like structured
instructions, and adds some useful properties to EmailMessage. It also adds a substantial vocabulary for describing
Legislation to the new area.
Core changes
- Issue #1459: Improvements to TouristAttraction.
Add a new property touristType to TouristAttraction, "Attraction suitable for type(s) of tourist. eg. Children, visitors from a particular country, etc". Extend the domain of availableLanguage to TouristAttraction, of isAccessibleForFree to Place, adapting the definitions accordingly. Add new property publicAccess to Place. "A flag to signal that the Place is accessible by public visitors."
- Issue #1525: Expanded definition of NewsArticle from "A news article.", and added a News overview document introducing some
proposed additional terms, and discussing the relationship between News and related markup for Education/Learning, TV, Radio etc.
- Issue #647: Add a HowTo type, building upon and generalizing the existing Recipe vocabulary. This introduces estimatedCost,
steps, supply and tool as new properties, and re-uses
performTime, prepTime,
totalTime. We also introduce yield, which generalizes the existing recipeYield, and note that performTime generalizes the existing cookTime. Supporting types HowToItem (with a requiredQuantity property), HowToSupply and HowToTool,
HowToSection and HowToStep (a kind of ItemList) are also provided, to allow more explicitly structured steps to be described. This effort has had many contributors over the years - thanks to all who have helped!
- Issue #1590: Add bccRecipient,
ccRecipient, and toRecipient for use with EmailMessage.
- Moved to Core:
New additions
- Issue #1457: Add a Schedule type, with supporting properties:
eventSchedule. These terms are used alongside the existing startTime and endTime properties.
The main purpose of this new vocabulary is to capture recurring events in a manner compatible with a subset of the iCalendar approach.
- Issue #1156: Add Legislation,
LegalForceStatus, LegislationObject,
LegalValueLevel and other supporting terms. These terms are based on the European Legislation Identifier (ELI) ontology and the work of the ELI taskforce. ELI is an initiative of some national legislation publishers endorsed by EU countries and Institutions, to identify, describe and link legislation on the Web.
- Issue #1624: Add a draft PublicToilet type to the new area.
- Iussue #1577: Add estimatedSalary to JobPosting.
- Issue #1589: Add CriticReview and UserReview to distinguish common subtypes of Review.
- Issue #1576: Add EmployerReview to indicate reviews that are by a current or former employee, and that are reviews of that organization's role as an employer.
- Issue #1525: Add subtypes of NewsArticle: ReportageNewsArticle, AnalysisNewsArticle, OpinionNewsArticle, ReviewNewsArticle, BackgroundNewsArticle
to distinguish common kinds of NewsArticle. Also add a subtype of Article,
AdvertiserContentArticle and a News overview document.
Added a subtype of Organization, NewsMediaOrganization, alongside
several "best practice"-oriented properties: actionableFeedbackPolicy,
correctionsPolicy, diversityPolicy, ethicsPolicy, masthead,
(apart from ethicsPolicy and diversityPolicy, these are all sub-properties of publishingPrinciples). These
changes were based in large part upon the work of The Trust Project.
- Issue #1437: Add SatiricalArticle type.
Site Improvements
3.2 sdo-callisto (2017-03-23) |
Version 3.2 (working name 'sdo-callisto'). See planning pages, specifically #1292 for details.
This release introduces new core vocabulary including mechanisms for describing fact-check reviews, courses, and menus. It also introduces
a number of newly-proposed terms to encourage discussion, implementation feedback and other improvements.
Core changes
- Issue #1209: Added maximumAttendeeCapacity and remainingAttendeeCapacity for describing places and events.
- Issue #1361: Broadened about property to be applicable on events.
- Issue #1364: Broadened genre property to be applicable on BroadcastChannel.
- Issue #1488: Added identifier as a common super-property of numerous identifying properties.
- Issue #1288: Added
types Menu, MenuItem, MenuSection, and
properties hasMenuItem, hasMenuSection. A proposed
menuAddOn property has also been added.
Introduced hasMenu property that supersedes menu, both for consistency
with the other new menu properties, and to avoid a property and type having essentially the same name.
- Moved from 'new' to Core status:
- Issue #195: Added Course-description terms:
Course, courseCode, coursePrerequisites,
hasCourseInstance, CourseInstance,
courseMode, instructor. Thanks to the
Schema Course Extension community group at W3C,
initiated by LRMI and led by Phil Barker.
- Issue #1061: Migrated ClaimReview and claimReviewed for fact-checking reviews into Core section.
- Issue #1100: Added accessMode,
accessModeSufficient, accessibilitySummary properties to support accessible digital publishing. This proposal came from the digital publishing community, and specifically from the Epub 3.1 Accessibility Working Group.
New additions
- Issue #1541: Add a menuAddOn property (originally proposed with other menu-related terms).
- Issue #1125 Added PreOrderAction (a subtype of TradeAction)
- Issue #1253: Added several terms proposed by the FIBO project and its community group.
- Types: BrokerageAccount,
- Properties: accountMinimumInflow,
- Issue #1262: Added BedType.
- Issue #1293: Added EndorsementRating.
- Issue #1375 Added GeospatialGeometry and some draft
definitions for associated properties, an informal collaboration with the W3C Spatial Data on the Web Working Group.
Initial properties are: geoContains, geoCoveredBy, geoCovers, geoCrosses, geoDisjoint, geoEquals, geoIntersects, geoOverlaps, geoTouches, geoWithin.
- Issue #1389: Added new type SpeakableSpecification, with properties
cssSelector and xpath, alongside a property on WebPage
called speakable to refer to a SpeakableSpecification. The purpose
(documented primarily on the speakable property)
is to indicate sections of a document that are highlighted as particularly suitable for being spoken/read.
These sections are indicated via URL/ID values, XPath and/or CSS selectors.
- Issue #1397: Added CompleteDateFeed to indicate completeness of feeds.
- Issue #1423: Added a draft WebAPI.
- Issue #1425: Added a draft measurementTechnique property, to support richer Dataset description particularly for scientific data.
- Issue #1495: Added a Consortium type, as well as a LibrarySystem type to represent a particular kind of Library consortium.
- Issue #743: Added a Distillery type.
- Issue #894: Added CategoryCode, CategoryCodeSet, codeValue and inCodeSet to explore better description of enumerated value lists.
- Issue #1004: Added broadcastFrequency, broadcastFrequencyValue
and BroadcastFrequencySpecification for describing (primarily radio but also TV) frequencies. Also supporting
types FMRadioChannel, AMRadioChannel,
and property hasBroadcastChannel (inverse: providesBroadcastService).
Archived into Attic section
- The proposed variablesMeasured property has been removed. A non-plural variableMeasured property replaced it.
- broadcastSignalModulation was retired 2016-08-17 from new area.
- The Courses proposal originally had additional terms - courseCredits, courseCreditsUnit, grantsCredential, previewUrl - which should be archived here.
Site improvements
Quick fixes and Examples
3.1 sdo-makemake (2016-08-09) |
Version 3.1 (working name 'sdo-makemake'). See planning pages, specifically #1212 for details.
This release is primarily concerned with hotel/accommodation vocabulary, improvements around dataset, and bug fixes.
- Issue #915: Added substantial vocabulary for hotels and related accommodation, alongside
a dedicated documentation page. New vocabulary includes
and several subtypes which can be used (via multiple typing)
alongside the existing Offer type. Other terms include
- Issue #1203: Fixes for accidental rollbacks in 3.0.
See Github for comprehensive analysis and details. Restored several definitions:
paymentStatus lacked PaymentStatusType from #518;
breastfeedingWarning, healthCondition, prescriptionStatus
and secondaryPrevention have been migrated into as planned;
SocialMediaPosting has supertype of BlogPosting (from #526) rather than Article;
genre expects URL values (from #346);
affiliation is a sub-property of memberOf (per #596);
cookTime, prepTime and totalTime definitions hyperlink to ISO 8601 details;
publisher property can reference Person (fix for #1198, restoring #611);
videoFormat is again expected on BroadcastEvent, ScreeningEvent (and BroadcastService),
rather than TelevisionStation (per #577);
parentOrganization and subOrganization are noted as mutual inverses (per #g535);
codeSampleType description improved per #343;
netWorth definition now correctly omits Organization (per #585).
- Issue #900: Extended isAccessibleForFree to be expected potentially on any Event or
- Issue #996:
Added DateTime to expected values for startDate, endDate, commentTime.
- Issue #1083: Improvements primarily around Dataset, generalized spatial property of Dataset to become spatialCoverage of any CreativeWork; similarly generalized temporal as temporalCoverage.
Indicated that spatialCoverage is a subproperty of contentLocation.
Broadened sponsor to apply to creative works such as datasets, and added a more specific subproperty to indicate
funder. Amended definition of MediaObject to match its use as a supertype of
DataDownload. Amended fileFormat to allow URL as a way of indicating niche or unregistered file formats (common for scientific datasets). Added a draft variablesMeasured property.
Site improvements
Quick fixes and Examples
The following Early Access fixes were published between 3.0 and 3.1 releases:
- Issue #1159: Fixed problems with W3C validator, caching, and misclassification of manufacturer property which in in core rather than health-lifesci extension.
- Issue #1165: Improved wording for term pages that are not in core, to avoid publishers worrying that they need to change their markup.
- Issue #1136: Fixed term labels to always be alphanumeric (no 'bib:' prefixes etc.)
- Issue #1168: Fixed unit tests to run against extension schema data as well as core.
- Issue #1169: Fixes for property/type associations in health-lifesci and new drafts, identified by improved unit tests.
- Issue #1174: Fix for missing definition for 'ingredients'.
3.0 sdo-deimos (2016-05-04)
Version 3.0 (working name 'sdo-deimos'). See planning pages, specifically #911 for details.
Core changes
- Issue #845: Added vocabulary for suitability to restricted diets in Recipe (suitableForDiet, RestrictedDiet).
- Issue #1005: Generalized some properties from Product to apply also to Service - audience, brand, logo, isRelatedTo, isSimilarTo.
- Issue #880: Added disambiguatingDescription to explicitly indicate short Wikipedia-like disambiguating descriptions.
- Issue #1048: Added DigitalDocument and subtypes SpreadsheetDigitalDocument,
PresentationDigitalDocument, TextDigitalDocument, NoteDigitalDocument. Also
a hasDigitalDocumentPermission property of these whose value is a DigitalDocumentPermission type. A permissionType property of each DigitalDocumentPermission has
values that are from a DigitalDocumentPermissionType enumeration: CommentPermission, ReadPermission, WritePermission.
The grantee property indicates in each case the person, organization, contact point, or audience that has been granted that permission.
- Issue #888: Added PreSale to the ItemAvailability enumerated values.
- Issue #962: Broadened definition of sponsor property.
- Issue #961: Improved wording of validThrough, and added JobPosting to allow markup for job posting closing dates.
- Issue #1020: Added new subtypes of CreativeWork: Message and Conversation. Marked EmailMessage as a subtype of Message.
- Issue #1079: Created ComputerLanguage, amended programmingLanguage to expect it (and Text); amended Language to focus on natural languages. Noted that BCP 47 should be used for natural language tagging, via alternateName property. Amended availableLanguage to indicate that Text values are expected, that BCP 47 is encouraged, and to cross-reference with inLanguage.
- Issue #1092: Amended contributor, actor, translator, director, composer to apply to Event.
- Issue #969: Integrated improvements from FIBO to core terminology around financial products, including the addition of MonetaryAmount (superseding DatedMoneySpecification) and CompoundPriceSpecification, alongside improved wording around CreditCard, PriceSpecification.
- Issue #923: Created entries for Monday-Friday and PublicHolidays, based on the GoodRelations originals. Also clarified OpeningHoursSpecification and added a specialOpeningHoursSpecification property to allow for general opening hours to be overridden.
- Issue #541: Added enumerations for male and female, but allow other values as well.
- see also Issue #492 below; many terms have been moved from the core into health-lifesci.
- Issue #492: Moved a large number of medical/health terms from core into a health-lifesci extension.
New terms
Site improvements
- Issue #1059: Created hosted extensions for 'meta' vocabulary and for vocabulary pending wider review. Moved Class, Property, domainIncludes, rangeIncludes, inverseOf, supersededBy into meta (2023 update: these structures are no longer in use).
- Issue #256: Implementation of HTTP HEAD for all pages.
- Issue #1095: ETag and Last-Modified headers only for successful page requests.
- Issue #1098: Added categorization of terms listed on extension home page.
- Issue #990: JSON-LD context file should enumerate all terms. This will make it easier to combine the use of with other vocabularies and extensions.
- Issue #1075: Added markdown format processing of comment fields. This makes the schema editing process easier, especially for cross-referencing related terms.
- Issue #178: Integrated rdflib python library. This improves our ability to parse RDFa and JSON-LD schema definitions, and makes unit tests easier to run.
- Issue #1109: We now display when a type is superseded.
Quick fixes and Examples
- [core] Issue #1097: partOfOrder and partOfSystem are no longer marked as sub-properties of isPartOf since they are not relations between creative works.
- [core] Issue #1102: Examples fixed to avoid 'content' attribute on
span element in Microdata.
- [core] Issue #1066: Cleanup around Dataset / DataCatalog association: renamed containedDataCatalog as includedInDataCatalog, marked it as inverse of dataset and improved wording of both definitions.
- [core] Issue #1073: Removed redundant types listed for branchCode - Place already covered LocalBusiness and Store.
- [core] Issue #1081: Added AudiobookFormat to the BookFormatType, for consistency. Note that the bib extension also has a dedicated type for describing audio books.
- [core] Issue #950: isBasedOnUrl now called isBasedOn; isBasedOnUrl still exists but is marked as supersededBy isBasedOn. Extended range to include (for now just) CreativeWork, Product.
- [core] Issue #929: Marked subEvent and superEvent as inverses of each other.
- [core] Issue #929: the colleague property now also expects URL values (and for JSON-LD therefore expects things not strings by default).
- [core] Various typo fixes (including #1014).
- [core] Issue #966: Fixed bug in PropertyValue JSON-LD example.
- [core] Issue #912: Added education/learning examples (from Phil Barker / LRMI):
- [core] Issue #919: Fixed Javascript errors caused by bad markup in 404 pages (published 2015-12-10).
- [core] Issue #899: Bugfix for a few pages that were returning 500 error codes (published 2015-12-10).
- [core] Issue #904: Simplified JSON-LD examples for Periodical (published 2015-12-10).
- [core] Issue #1015: Fixed spelling of "content" in FoodEstablishment example.
- [core] Issue #997: Expanded sharedContent to coverage of SocialMediaPosting example.
- [core] Issue #992: Removed an example from QAPage since the example didn't illustrate the term's use.
- [core] Issue #836: Markup fixes to examples of PropertyValue.
- [core] Issue #143: Fixed openingHours examples to use
span element instead of time , and some time examples to use datetime attribute instead of content .
- [core] Issue #3905: CSS fix to Actions document.
- [core] Issue #511: Microdata examples fixed to use '
href ' example on 'link ' element instead of 'content ' on 'meta '.
- [core] Issue #533: OpeningHoursSpecification example: various fixes including better use of '
time ' element.
- [bib] Issue #984: bug fixes for example.
2.2 sdo-phobos (2015-11-05) |
Version 2.2 (working name 'sdo-phobos'). This release combines a range of small additions across several areas of with an ongoing
concern for cleanup and integration of existing vocabulary. Notable additions include ExhibitionEvent,
Barcode, DataFeed, containsPlace, GeoCircle,
geoRadius, geoMidpoint, providerMobility
and actionPlatform. A number of changes improve our handling of Service description, including the
deprecation of the ProfessionalService construct. We have kept all the specific types that were previously
considered ProfessionalService but discourage the use of the type 'ProfessionalService' since it is easily confused with 'Service'.
- Issue #773: Added actionPlatform as a simpler mechanism to specify the platform for EntryPoint targets.
- Issue #823: Marked homeLocation, workLocation as subproperties of location, and marked location as expecting textual values.
- Issue #818: Added OfferCatalog for specifying a catalog of offers by an Organization or Service.
- Issue #817: Added providerMobility to describe whether a service provider is at a fixed location or has a dynamic location.
- Issue #445: Added ExhibitionEvent and added a superproperty of workPresented and workPerformed to cover event-to-work relationships such as a work being exhibited.
- Issue #113: Added GeoCircle as a subtype of GeoShape, providing
a more usable mechanism than circle structured text; added geoRadius, geoMidpoint to describe the size and location of these circular areas.
- Issue #323: Added locationCreated to CreativeWork.
- Issue #811: Renamed containedIn as containedInPlace, and added an inverse containsPlace.
- Issue #810: postalCode and addressCountry are now an expected property for GeoShape and GeoCoordinates.
Adjusted addressCountry to allow textual values, matching the existing definition.
- Issue #801:
Broadened award, category, offers to be applicable on Service.
Extended itemOffered to expect Service as a possible value.
Added LegalService as a supertype for Notary, Attorney.
Marked ProfessionalService as deprecated, with some explanation, and added a brief account of
the relationship with Service to some of the more service-oriented local business types
e.g. LegalService, HomeAndConstructionBusiness.
A cluster of construction-related local businesses
formerly treated as ProfessionalService continue as HomeAndConstructionBusiness subtypes.
Marked Attorney as deprecated in favor of LegalService
per #784. Added hoursAvailable to Service.
- Issue #411
Clarification and cleanup around areaServed, now marked as a super-property of
the more specific eligibleRegion and availableAtOrFrom properties.
Cross-referenced eligibleRegion and ineligibleRegion.
Marked serviceArea as supersededBy areaServed. Updated the associated
types for areaServed to cover those used by its sub-properties.
- Issue #808: The address property now anticipates Text values, to support unstructured address data.
- Issue #802: Referenced World Geotic System from GeoCoordinates properties (elevation, longitude, latitude); made address an expected property for GeoCoordinates and GeoShape.
- Issue #796 Added offeredBy property to relate an Offer to a Person or Organisation. Inverse of makesOffer.
- Issue #791 Added branchCode to represent codes identifying stores and other business locations.
- Issue #790 Broadened fileFormat to be usable with CreativeWork, and improved the description.
- Issue #687: Added Barcode as a subtype of ImageObject.
- Issue #688: Added DataFeed and DataFeedItem to represent a data feed of structured items and supportingData for using DataFeed to provide data to a software application.
- Issue #767: Added countryOfOrigin property to Movie, TVEpisode, TVSeason, and TVSeries.
- Issue #768: Added broadcastOfEvent property to BroadcastEvent to allow for specifying the event being broadcasted.
- Issue #432: Added Organization to domain of alumni and to range of alumniOf properties.
Site improvements
Quick fixes and Examples
2.1 sdo-ganymede (2015-08-06) |
Version 2.1 (working name 'sdo-ganymede') includes many small fixes, some new vocabulary, as well as the first release of the 'hosted extensions' mechanism, featuring bib(liographic) and auto(mobile) extensions for final review. A pre-release of this version of was available for review. |
- Issue #611: Added Person as expected value for publisher property.
- Issue #596: Documented that affiliation is a sub-property of memberOf.
- Issue #207: Added a Bridge type under CivicStructure.
- Issue #346: Added URL as expected value for genre property.
- Issue #374: Added Report type under Article, and a reportNumber property.
- Issue #577: Amended videoFormat to indicate that it is expected on BroadcastEvent and ScreeningEvent, rather than TelevisionStation.
- Issue #535: Broadened domain of parentOrganization to allow any Organization, rather than only LocalBusiness. Noted parentOrganization and subOrganization as inverses.
- Issue #531: Added the lyrics property to MusicComposition.
- Issue #518: Renamed paymentDue property to paymentDueDate. Changed paymentStatus property to expect an enumerated value of type PaymentStatusType in addition to Text. The options are: PaymentComplete, PaymentDue, PaymentPastDue, PaymentDeclined and PaymentAutomaticallyApplied.
- Issue #137: Deprecated UserInteraction and its children in favor of a new type: InteractionCounter. InteractionCounter allows for reporting aggregated statistics by service and type. Thanks elf Pavlik for collaboration.
- Issue #526: Added new types LiveBlogPosting, SocialMediaPosting, and DiscussionForumPosting, alongside supporting properties.
- Issue #334: Updated the controlled values for accessibilityHazard shown in examples to follow latest community recommendations: 'noFlashing' is now 'noFlashingHazard', 'noMotionSimulation' is 'noMotionSimulationHazard', and 'noSound' is 'noSoundHazard'.
Site improvements
- Issue #429: Hosted extensions e.g. are now enabled and linked from 'core' pages with appropriate navigation and styling.
- Issue #655: Extension definitions now include an isPartOf property to link them to the extension.
- Issue #527: Added materials from Kickoff Workshop in 2011.
- Issue #78: Multiple supertypes are now displayed properly. It is possible for several types to apply to a single thing, and for a type to have multiple parent types. This is relatively rare, but important to display. For example, anything that is a LocalBusiness is considered both an Organization and a Place; so all subtypes of LocalBusiness have both as supertypes. We can now show this more clearly, e.g. ElectronicsStore.
- Added CSS for explicit styling (
) in releases page during Steering Group review of candidate releases.
- Issue #557, #660, #695, #469: Several DataType-related navigation fixes, following recent modeling changes.
- Issue #548: Added a favicon.ico image. The text is tiny and not intended for humans to read.
- Behind the scenes: cleanup and improvements to Python code, unit tests, CSS, filetree layout.
Quick fixes and Examples
2.0 sdo-gozer (2015-05-12) |
Version 2.0 consolidates and integrates's existing vocabulary. This version features many updated definitions, type/property associations and term names that
improve consistency and usability. It also introduces a new extension system.
Version 2.0 adds various new terms including mainEntityOfPage and major contributions from the
Automotive Ontology community.
Issue #262: Added new vocabulary for Car:
The new vocabulary includes a number of properties such as: numberOfAirbags,
Thanks to Martin Hepp, Mirek Sopek, Karol Szczepański and others
in the Automotive Ontology community group.
We anticipate substantial additions that build on this foundation will be contributed as an extension.
Issue #301: Added a generic property/values mechanism, building upon PropertyValueSpecification, StructuredValue and value; added
PropertyValue and additionalProperty. See examples for usage. This is a lightweight
mechanism to allow markup of properties that are not easily mapped to existing properties. Whenever possible, it is generally better to use a dedicated property if one exists.
- Issue #301: Added mainEntityOfPage (and an inverse, mainEntity) to indicate which of the entities mentioned in a page is its primary topic.
- Issue #225: Added a schemaVersion property, for use by applications that require more precise referencing of schema versions.
- Issue #266: Added OrderItem to allow ParcelDelivery to be tracked per item, not just on an entire Order.
- Issue #170: Clarifying CommentAction, Comment by deprecating UserComments. Several mentions of UserComments removed from other terms. 'inLanguage' supersedes 'language'. Added a resultComment property. UserInteraction and sub-types will be deprecated.
- Issue #300: Answer is now a sub-type of Comment. The 'question' property expects 'Question' type for its values (rather than Text as in AskAction previously). Added resultComment on ReplyAction. Cleaned up examples.
- Issue #130: Amended True and False to be instances (rather than sub-types) of Boolean.
- Issue #218: Amended DataType to model it as a sub-class of Class, with each datatype e.g. Boolean, Text, Date, DateTime, Time etc. being classes that have a typeOf DataType. DataTypes can have sub-types, e.g. Integer and Float are subtypes of Number.
- Issue #328: Added ScreeningEvent to support movie/video screenings.
- Issue #314: Added MovieClip and VideoGameClip as parallels to TVClip and RadioClip.
- Issue #122: Added gtin12 property for Product.
- Issue #417: Renamed many types and properties, which had overly generic names. This is no cause for alarm,
the superseded names can still be used, although we encourage consumers and producers of data to move towards the newer terminology.
CreativeWorkSeason was Season,
CreativeWorkSeries was Series,
SoftwareSourceCode was Code,
TaxiService was Taxi,
actionApplication was application,
actionOption was option,
artMedium was material,
artworkSurface was surface,
availableOnDevice was device,
branchOf was parentOrganization,
broadcastTimezone was timezone,
codeSampleType was sampleType,
containsSeason was season,
datasetTimeInterval was temporal,
executableLibraryName was assembly,
exerciseCourse was course,
exerciseRelatedDiet was diet,
incentiveCompensation was incentives,
includedDataCatalog was catalog,
isAccessibleForFree was free,
jobBenefits was benefits,
runtimePlatform was runtime,
serviceArea was area,
serviceOutput was produces,
softwareRequirements was requirements,
targetCollection was collection.
Site improvements
- Issue #429: Implementation of new extension system.
- Issue #6: Improved 404 handler for missing pages, with support for old-style "/Person/Minister" extension URLs and Action-related "/query-input" pseudo-properties.
- Issue #318: Added an experimental JSON(-LD) view of the hierarchy. This combines D3 with RDF schema. Thanks to Gregg Kellogg and Sandro Hawke for collaboration.
- Various behind-the-scenes improvement to the site software.
Quick fixes and Examples
- Issue #119: Added a link to GS1's page giving background information on /globalLocationNumber.
- Issue #471: Added a JSON example for exampleOfWork and workExample.
- Issue #131: Amended category to be applicable to Product
- Issue #8: Fixed description of box to follow the original rNews definition (instead of accidental copy of polygon). Added explanatory text to GeoShape regarding commas/whitespace.
- Issue #224: Changed expected value of openingHours to be Text rather than Duration, since latter is for ISO formats not our custom micro-syntax.
- Issue #112: Clarified that upvoteCount and downvoteCount apply to questions, answers and comments (rather than just to questions).
- Issue #103: Clarified description of StructuredValue.
- Issue #333: Clarified description of BreadcrumbList.
- Issue #456: Generalized numberOfEmployees, to apply to Organization as well as to BusinessAudience.
- Issue #439: Clarified numberOfItems with multi-page pagination.
- Fixed the mapping from DataCatalog to dcat:Catalog
- Issue #341: Amended programmingLanguage to expect a Language rather than a Thing.
- Issue #365: Extended award for use on Organization, Product.
- Issue #145: Marked serviceAudience as supersededBy the more general audience property.
- Issue #165: Renamed ingredients to recipeIngredient, improved the description, and added ItemList as a possible value for recipeInstructions.
- Issue #171: Removed Class as a value of query property.
- Issue #183: comment property now applicable to an RsvpAction, and can have Comment as values.
- Issue #193: aggregateRating and review properties are now expected on Brand, Event, Service.
- Issue #247: We now write "antonym" instead of the incorrect "antagonym" in several Action definitions.
- Issue #316: Marked warrantyPromise as supersededBy warranty.
- Issue #213: Amended eligibleRegion and ineligibleRegion to have the same associated types.
- Issue #315: Updated BroadcastService, marking it as a kind of Service rather than just Thing.
- Issue #426: Broadened supersededBy to be usable with classes and enumerations.
- Issue #366: Reworded description of publication to use 'item' instead of a list of types (which had omitted Book), and marked it as applicable to CreativeWork.
- Issue #288: added properties related to boarding passes to FlightReservation.
- Issue #329: expanded BroadcastService and added new types CableOrSatelliteService, BroadcastChannel, TelevisionChannel, and RadioChannel to support TV/radio schedules. Thanks, Yves Raimond for careful review.
- Issue #335: added gameLocation to VideoGameSeries.
- Issue #336: added actor and director to Series.
- Issue #364: replaced non-existent Award type with Book in WinAction type. Thanks, unor.
- Issue #386: Fixed extra spaces in labels.
1.93 sdo-stantz (2015-02-04) |
Lots of bugfixes and small improvements, plus new terms to describe visual artworks and invoices. |
- Added VisualArtwork type and supporting properties - artEdition, artform, material, surface. Thanks, Paul Watson.
- Added an Invoice type to represent invoices/bills, with additional properties totalPaymentDue,
minimumPaymentDue, accountId, scheduledPaymentDate, billingPeriod, paymentStatus, referencesOrder.
- Fix to allow offers on AggregateOffer. Thanks, Simon Spero, Zinebb.
- Expanded the list of types that musicBy applies to, matching those of actor and director. Thanks, Simon Spero.
- Adding priceSpecification to TradeAction type, fixing #305.
- Adding deliveryMethod to OrderAction type, fixing #306.
- Adjusted description of width, height and depth properties to be "the ___ of the item.", rather than list specific types.
Site improvements
Quick fixes and Examples
- Fixes to several examples, thanks to Gregg Kellogg.
- Fixes to Book example, thanks to unor.
- Added name property in CreativeWork examples; Improved MedicalScholarlyArticle example, marking up the abstract using description - thanks to Dan Scott.
- Corrected a case typo in numberOfEmployees. Thanks, Stéphane Corlosquet.
- Fixed mistaken use of "MovieGameSeries"; reported by both Gregg and Simon.
- Fixed valuePattern definition; it takes Text values, not Number. Thanks, Holger.
- Fixed definitions for fromLocation, toLocation; they do not support numeric values. Thanks, Simon Spero.
- Fixed producer property; it takes an Organization value, rather than applying to organizations. Thanks, unor.
- Fixed typo: clinicalPharmacology is supersededBy clinicalPharmacology. Thanks, Marc.
- Fixed an example that used "Address" instead of PostalAddress. Thanks, unor.
- Added 100+ periods / full stops (".") to end each definition.
1.92 sdo-venkman (2014-12-11) |
ItemList and BreadcrumbList changes; Sports-related improvements; Added a Music vocabulary; Video games. Also weight/height on Person; Control and RSVP actions; Role names; Dated monetary values. |
- Updated ItemList to allow for richer kinds of lists (including ordering), rather than just strings; added BreadcrumbList
- The weight and height properties can now be with the Person type. Added netWorth to Person. Added EmployeeRole.
- Added SportsOrganization as a super-type of SportsTeam,
representing sports organizations, including sports teams, governing bodies, and sports associations.
Added a sport property to indicate the associated sport(s) for a SportsOrganization; also
added coach and athlete properties.
Added numberedPosition property to OrganizationRole.
Added homeTeam and awayTeam properties to SportsEvent, alongside a super-property of those, competitor.
- Added a VideoGame type with two super-types:
SoftwareApplication and a new Game type.
We anticipate a need for future work around Game,
see issue #169.
VideoGame has cheatCode,
gamePlatform, playMode
and gameTip properties, plus a few supporting types. A property softwareHelp
has also been added to SoftwareApplication to indicate supporting documentation.
- While integrating VideoGame an issue was
raised around the need to describe series of games.
As a result we have made some changes to the Series type, which previously emphasised only
TV and Radio Series: added VideoGameSeries,
BookSeries, and MovieSeries. The recently added
Periodical type is also now modeled as a Series subtype. Some redundant
type/property associations were also tidied up. The existing
trailer property can now be used with
VideoGame and VideoGameSeries.
Added ControlAction (previously proposed as OperateAction). Add expectsAcceptanceOf
on ConsumeAction (previously proposed as 'contingentOnOffer'). Added ineligibleRegion
(on Offer, previously proposed as 'notAvailableAtOrFrom').
- Add rsvpResponse, additionalNumberOfGuests properties
to the existing RsvpAction type
(see also github issue and details).
This change also adds an enumeration RsvpResponseType: RsvpResponseYes, RsvpResponseNo,
RsvpResponseMaybe. Finally, we add a new possible ActionStatusType: FailedActionStatus,
alongside an error property linking an Action to more information on the cause of the failure.
- Add roleName to Role, superseding namedPosition (see also issue and details).
- Add to MusicAlbum properties: albumProductionType,
albumReleaseType, albumRelease (and inverse, releaseOf).
Supporting enumerated types: MusicAlbumProductionType (CompilationAlbum, DemoAlbum,
DJMixAlbum, LiveAlbum, MixtapeAlbum, RemixAlbum,
SoundtrackAlbum, SpokenWordAlbum, StudioAlbum.
MusicAlbumReleaseType (AlbumRelease, BroadcastRelease, EPRelease,
Add new types: MusicRelease, MusicComposition, the latter with properties musicArrangement,
composer, firstPerformance, includedComposition, iswcCode,
lyricist, musicCompositionForm, musicalKey, recordedAs (inverse: recordingOf).
Expand track to allow ItemList values, for lists of MusicRecording, and
genre to apply to MusicGroup.
- Broadened the description of logo property, to match the types it applies to. See also github issue and details.
- Added a DatedMoneySpecification type for non-price monetary values, by analogy with PriceSpecification and its subtypes. Added amount and
currency properties and tweaked startDate and endDate property definitions to fit.
- See also blog post...
Site improvements
Quick fixes and Examples
See also issue list for this release.
1.91 (2014-09-12) |
Offer/price documentation fixes, cleanup and community contributions. |
- Updated text of the price property to include practical usage guidance, alongside
links to information from GS1 to the gtin-related Offer properties.
- Updated all our examples to follow that guidance; primarily by using priceCurrency and the content= attribute.
- Noted our thanks to the OpenDomain project for our domain name.
- Updated the text of the 'image' property to match its expected types. Thanks, Dan Scott.
- Changed spelling of 'supercededBy' to the more conventional supersededBy. Thanks, Sachini Aparna Herath.
- Noted that 'logo' and 'photo' are sub-properties of 'image'. Thanks, Sachini Aparna Herath, again.
- Fixed two syntax errors in examples (Store opening hours RDFa; Book, PublicationVolume Microdata). Thanks, Gregg Kellogg.
- Added Tolkien-based examples for exampleOfWork/workExample. Thanks, Dan Scott, again.
- Fixed a bug with our UTF-8 support. Thanks, Richard Wallis.
1.9 (2014-08-18) |
Bibliographic improvements (Periodical and more) alongside seller/broker/provider clarifications. |
Several bibliographic improvements, thanks to the work of the W3C BibExtend Community Group.
Improved handling of Periodicals, Articles and Multi-volume Works,
introducing types and supporting properties for Periodical,
PublicationVolume and
PublicationIssue. Adds new Article properties:
pageStart, pageEnd and pagination.
CreativeWork gains a convenience inverse of isPartOf called
hasPart, as well as a new pair of inverses, workExample and
exampleOfWork that link specific and general perspectives on creative works. Many thanks to
all the BibExtend group members, to Richard Wallis
for chairing, and to Dan Scott for implementing.
Provider/Seller vocabulary: this update also clarifies how to use a set of related terms, integrating sections of that had developed
separately. Full details are documented at W3C
and in Github, alongside an overview document.
The provider property describes a service provider, service operator, or service performer, while
seller describe the entities which sell or offer a service on behalf of an actual service provider. We
introduce a more general broker property (replacing the over-specific bookingAgent),
as well as deprecating vendor and merchant in favour of seller.
Regarding flights and parcel delivery, carrier is
superseded by provider. Please also note that flightNumber should now be written in full (i.e. "UA110" rather than just "110").
See the supporting documents for details.
Finally, episodeNumber, seasonNumber and
clipNumber (for TV/Radio) have been harmonized with the periodicals design
(issueNumber and volumeNumber). In each case, both Integer
and Text values are anticipated. A common superproperty, position can also be used. This
reflects implementation experience and
establishes a model that can be applied elsewhere, e.g. ongoing work on describing music.
This update also improves the display and navigation of supersededBy relations between properties (e.g. see seller).
The Terms of service document was also updated to note
that Yandex is now a Sponsor and to adopt the patent terms used by W3C.
1.8 (2014-07-28) |
Added WebSite type; broadened isPartOf property. |
Added a new CreativeWork type, WebSite: "A WebSite is a set of related web pages and other items typically
served from a single web domain and accessible via URLs." Also adopts the suggestion made by the BibExtend group and other
collaborators, to broaden the isPartOf property, which now relates any CreativeWork to any other CreativeWork.
This release also makes the Potential Actions documentation available in HTML.
Several markup fixes from Stéphane Corlosquet, alongside
improvements to the consistency of encoding /
associatedMedia property definitions thanks to Dan Scott.
1.7 (2014-07-08) |
Allows image with ImageObject; adds Event organizers,
Map improvements. |
This release amends the image property, noting that ImageObject is a
reasonable value. It also adds an organizer property to
Event. Changes around Map: we add and prefer a 'hasMap' property
which supersedes the older 'map' property, and we add a mapType property which comes with some enumerated values:
ParkingMap, SeatingMap, TransitMap,
VenueMap. A Map might be (but needn't be) also an ImageObject.
(announcement) |
1.6 (2014-06-16) |
Roles, various fixes, site navigation improvements. |
This release introduced the notion of a Role type to See the blog post
for details. The Role mechanism applies across all of, and allows simple statements to be elaborated or
qualified, for example with temporal information. Other changes in this release include the addition of a
license property, and some documentation of properties used internally by's documentation system
(Property, Class, supersededBy, inverseOf).
Fixed an embarrassing typo - "dead" - in the diet property - thanks, Dan Scott. Various other
small changes - listed in the preview announcement.
(announcement and
candidate release) |
1.5 (2014-05-27) |
Tweaks and fixes. |
Tweaks to definition of 'keywords' to indicate that comma-separated entries are expected.
Several typo fixes from Stéphane Corlosquet. Adds a new icaoCode
text-valued property for Airport.
Updated description for flightNumber to note "not including the airline IATA code".
Added missing Actions-related definitions (urlTemplate, valueName).
1.4 (2014-05-16) |
Examples, examples, examples. |
Added two examples to accompany workPerformed. Added several local business, company contact and music event examples.
Several glitch and typo fixes including MedicalEnumeration, thanks to Dan Scott.
announcement blog post
1.3 (2014-05-01) |
Added workPerformed. |
Added workPerformed, a relationship between an Event and a CreativeWork
that is performed at the event.
1.2 (2014-04-16) |
Potential Actions. |
Introduces vocabulary that enables websites to describe the actions they enable and how these actions can be invoked.
(announcement and
blog post)
1.1 (2014-05-04) |
Reservations, Q/A and more. |
Added a Reservation schema. Question/Answer sites. Order changes. Added EmailMessage.
1.) This release of adds a finalized Reservations schema, which refines
earlier proposals discussed in the Web Schemas community over the last year.
See wiki for details.
The Reservations vocabulary includes: Reservation, ReservationPackage,
Ticket, Flight,
2.) Q/A sites
A simple vocabulary for Question/Answer and FAQ sites. It adds types for Question, Answer, and QAPage.
3.) Adds a type EmailMessage, analogous to the existing WebPage type.
(candidate release drafted as '1.0g'; not
formally announced but included in the change
to github-based publishing)
1.0f (2014-02-05) |
Not-for-profit Offer and other fixes. |
This version adapts the wording around the Offer type to suit non-profit scenarios,
such as libraries. Thanks to Dan Scott and the BibExtend group for these proposals.
This change broadens the definition of Offer and makes associated changes to
ItemAvailability and
OfferItemCondition, typically rewording "the item for sale" to
simply say "the item". The itemOffered property is now defined more
appropriately as "The item being offered." rather than "...sold.". The "seller"
property is now defined as "The organization or person making the offer.", a compromise to support
its use for more kinds of offer.
(candidate release
and announcement)
1.0e (2013-12-04) |
Accessibility properties and Order type. |
This release includes a schema for describing Orders,
as well as the Accessibility properties for
(see discussion).
The W3C WebSchemas wiki has the Order proposal and
draft schema.
For Accessibility, see the blog post
for more background on the collaborations involved. See also
wiki materials
and the draft schema.
1.0d (2013-11-21) |
TV/Radio; Civic Services; ContactPoint Event and Organization improvements. |
TV/Radio improvements in collaboration with BBC and EBU - see guest blog post by Yves Raimond.
For example see TVEpisode.
For Background see the TV/Radio wiki entry.
Civic Services (which includes ContactPoint) was blogged
when first discussed. See also wiki entry.
Example type: GovernmentService.
Event improvements: wiki entry.
Organization improvements: wiki entry.
In particular, this update added department, and
subOrganization properties.
(blog announcement).
1.0c (2013-08-07) |
Actions (in the past). |
Introduced a (past-tense) Actions vocabulary (see wiki)
This updated added an Action type, supporting properties, and a substantial set of subtypes. It was
followed in 2014 by a mechanism for describing potential actions.
1.0b (2013-07-24) |
Added sameAs; broadened citation. |
Adds sameAs property to Thing that makes it easier to indicate identifying URLs for entities
being described (wiki).
The citation property has been moved up to CreativeWork, from
MedicalScholarlyArticle (wiki).
Thanks to the BibExtend group for suggesting this small but useful improvement.
1.0a (2013-04-05) |
Adds LRMI, Datasets, Audience, Technical Publishing vocabulary and more. |
For LRMI (Learning Resource Metadata Initiative), a collaboration co-led
by Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) and Creative Commons:
Added several properties, mainly to CreativeWork.
Added AlignmentObject type, for aligning content to educational coding schemes.
(see wiki).
Added Dataset type (collaboration building upon work at W3C and elsewhere).
See also blog,
Added Audience and related types, useful for LRMI and other applications
Added Technical Publishing vocabulary: TechArticle, APIReference,
Code. See also early
blog post and Wiki entries for TechArticleSchema,
APIReferenceSchema and
0.99 (2012-11-08) |
Added Good Relations e-commerce vocabulary. |
Added substantial e-commerce vocabulary based on Good Relations;
re-engineered site to accept RDFa/RDFS schema definitions from community.(wiki)
(announcement blog post
and email from Martin Hepp)
0.98 (2012-10-18) |
Fix for requiresSubscription property. |
A minor bugfix release, which improved the documentation of requiresSubscription property.
We now encourage its Boolean value to be represented as true/false rather than yes/no.
0.97 (2012-07-26) |
Added DateTime, Time datatypes. |
Added two datatypes in preparation for Good Relations integration.
0.96 (2012-07-18) |
Added additionalType property. |
Added additionalType property (wiki).
"An additional type for the
item, typically used for adding more specific types from external
vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between
something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is
better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for
multiple types. tools may have only weaker understanding of
extra types, in particular those defined externally."
0.95 (2012-06-26) |
Added Medical/Health vocabulary. |
This release added substantial vocabulary in the medical/health domain (around 100 classes, 200 properties). The additions are
mainly organized beneath the MedicalEntity type. An
overview document is also provided. From the blog post:
"This collaborative project drew upon search expertise from the partners but also gained immeasurably through feedback from expert reviewers including the US NCBI; physicians at Harvard, Duke and other institutions, as well as from several health Web sites. Contributions from the W3C Healthcare and Lifesciences group and Web Schemas community also helped bridge the complex worlds of Web standards, search and medicine/healthcare."
0.91 (2012-04-21) |
Removed plural 's' suffix from repeatable properties; added Comment type, SoftwareApplication vocabulary. |
Added new properties per Singularity proposal:
23 changes: actor, album, attendee, award, blogPost, colleague, contactPoint, employee, encoding, episode, event, founder, map, member, parent, performer, photo, review, season, sibling, significantLink, subEvent, track.
Each of these originally had a plural 's' to indicate repeatability. After discussion in the W3C WebSchemas group, the consensus was that
this was confusing and worthwhile changing.
This revision added a new type, 'Comment', whose super-type is CreativeWork
Also adds SoftwareApplication and supporting vocabulary (wiki, original proposal),
including MobileApplication, WebApplication subtypes.
Converged URL/Url spelling. After WebSchemas discussion, consensus was:
For each of embedURL, contentURL, downloadURL, ensure there is an equivalent property named with mixed-case: 'embedUrl', 'contentUrl', 'downloadUrl'.