Full schema hierarchy
Schema.org is defined as two hierarchies: one for textual property values, and one for the things that they describe.
This is the main schema.org hierarchy: a collection of types (or "classes"), each of which has one or more parent types. Although a type may have more than one super-type, here we show each type in one branch of the tree only. There is also a parallel hierarchy for data types.
Close hierarchy / Open hierarchy-
- AmpStory
- ArchiveComponent
- Atlas
- Blog
- Certification
- Chapter
- Claim
- Code
- Conversation
- Course
- DataCatalog
- Diet
- Drawing
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- ExercisePlan
- Guide
- HowToDirection
- HowToSection
- HowToStep
- HowToTip
- HyperToc
- HyperTocEntry
- Manuscript
- Map
- MathSolver
- MediaReviewItem
- Menu
- MenuSection
- Movie
- MusicComposition
- MusicRecording
- Painting
- Photograph
- Play
- Poster
- PublicationVolume
- Quotation
- Sculpture
- Season
- SheetMusic
- ShortStory
- SoftwareSourceCode
- SpecialAnnouncement
- Statement
- TVSeason
- TVSeries
- Thesis
- WebSite
- ActionAccessSpecification
- AlignmentObject
- BedDetails
- Brand
- BroadcastFrequencySpecification
- Class
- ComputerLanguage
- DataFeedItem
- Demand
- DigitalDocumentPermission
- EnergyConsumptionDetails
- EntryPoint
- :: AudiobookFormat
- :: EBook
- :: GraphicNovel
- :: Hardcover
- :: Paperback
- BusinessEntityType
- BusinessFunction
- :: LockerDelivery
- :: OnSitePickup
- :: ParcelService
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA1Plus
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA2Plus
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryA3Plus
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryB
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryC
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryD
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryE
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryF
- :: EUEnergyEfficiencyCategoryG
- :: CoOp
- :: MultiPlayer
- :: SinglePlayer
- :: BasicIncome
- :: BusinessSupport
- :: DisabilitySupport
- :: HealthCare
- :: OneTimePayments
- :: PaidLeave
- :: ParentalSupport
- :: UnemploymentSupport
- :: AllergiesHealthAspect
- :: BenefitsHealthAspect
- :: CausesHealthAspect
- :: ContagiousnessHealthAspect
- :: EffectivenessHealthAspect
- :: GettingAccessHealthAspect
- :: HowItWorksHealthAspect
- :: HowOrWhereHealthAspect
- :: IngredientsHealthAspect
- :: LivingWithHealthAspect
- :: MayTreatHealthAspect
- :: MisconceptionsHealthAspect
- :: OverviewHealthAspect
- :: PatientExperienceHealthAspect
- :: PregnancyHealthAspect
- :: PreventionHealthAspect
- :: PrognosisHealthAspect
- :: RelatedTopicsHealthAspect
- :: RisksOrComplicationsHealthAspect
- :: SafetyHealthAspect
- :: ScreeningHealthAspect
- :: SeeDoctorHealthAspect
- :: SelfCareHealthAspect
- :: SideEffectsHealthAspect
- :: StagesHealthAspect
- :: SymptomsHealthAspect
- :: TreatmentsHealthAspect
- :: TypesHealthAspect
- :: UsageOrScheduleHealthAspect
- :: BackOrder
- :: Discontinued
- :: InStock
- :: InStoreOnly
- :: LimitedAvailability
- :: MadeToOrder
- :: OnlineOnly
- :: OutOfStock
- :: PreOrder
- :: PreSale
- :: Reserved
- :: SoldOut
- :: ParkingMap
- :: SeatingMap
- :: TransitMap
- :: VenueMap
- :: BodyMeasurementArm
- :: BodyMeasurementBust
- :: BodyMeasurementChest
- :: BodyMeasurementFoot
- :: BodyMeasurementHand
- :: BodyMeasurementHead
- :: BodyMeasurementHeight
- :: BodyMeasurementHips
- :: BodyMeasurementInsideLeg
- :: BodyMeasurementNeck
- :: BodyMeasurementUnderbust
- :: BodyMeasurementWaist
- :: BodyMeasurementWeight
- :: WearableMeasurementBack
- :: WearableMeasurementChestOrBust
- :: WearableMeasurementCollar
- :: WearableMeasurementCup
- :: WearableMeasurementHeight
- :: WearableMeasurementHips
- :: WearableMeasurementInseam
- :: WearableMeasurementLength
- :: WearableMeasurementOutsideLeg
- :: WearableMeasurementSleeve
- :: WearableMeasurementWaist
- :: WearableMeasurementWidth
- :: AlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- :: AlgorithmicallyEnhancedDigitalSource
- :: CompositeCaptureDigitalSource
- :: CompositeDigitalSource
- :: CompositeSyntheticDigitalSource
- :: CompositeWithTrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- :: DataDrivenMediaDigitalSource
- :: DigitalArtDigitalSource
- :: DigitalCaptureDigitalSource
- :: MinorHumanEditsDigitalSource
- :: MultiFrameComputationalCaptureDigitalSource
- :: NegativeFilmDigitalSource
- :: PositiveFilmDigitalSource
- :: PrintDigitalSource
- :: ScreenCaptureDigitalSource
- :: TrainedAlgorithmicMediaDigitalSource
- :: VirtualRecordingDigitalSource
- :: ReimbursementCap
- :: Retail
- :: Wholesale
- :: FDAcategoryA
- :: FDAcategoryB
- :: FDAcategoryC
- :: FDAcategoryD
- :: FDAcategoryX
- :: FDAnotEvaluated
- :: OTC
- :: PrescriptionOnly
- :: Clinician
- :: MedicalResearcher
- :: Diagnostic
- :: Therapeutic
- :: EvidenceLevelA
- :: EvidenceLevelB
- :: EvidenceLevelC
- :: CT
- :: MRI
- :: PET
- :: Radiography
- :: Ultrasound
- :: XRay
- :: CaseSeries
- :: CohortStudy
- :: CrossSectional
- :: Longitudinal
- :: Observational
- :: Registry
- :: Anesthesia
- :: Cardiovascular
- :: CommunityHealth
- :: Dentistry
- :: Dermatologic
- :: Dermatology
- :: DietNutrition
- :: Emergency
- :: Endocrine
- :: Gastroenterologic
- :: Genetic
- :: Geriatric
- :: Gynecologic
- :: Hematologic
- :: Infectious
- :: LaboratoryScience
- :: Midwifery
- :: Musculoskeletal
- :: Neurologic
- :: Nursing
- :: Obstetric
- :: Oncologic
- :: Optometric
- :: Otolaryngologic
- :: Pathology
- :: Pediatric
- :: PharmacySpecialty
- :: Physiotherapy
- :: PlasticSurgery
- :: Podiatric
- :: PrimaryCare
- :: Psychiatric
- :: PublicHealth
- :: Pulmonary
- :: Radiography
- :: Renal
- :: RespiratoryTherapy
- :: Rheumatologic
- :: SpeechPathology
- :: Surgical
- :: Toxicologic
- :: Urologic
- :: ActiveNotRecruiting
- :: Completed
- :: EnrollingByInvitation
- :: NotYetRecruiting
- :: Recruiting
- :: ResultsAvailable
- :: ResultsNotAvailable
- :: Suspended
- :: Terminated
- :: Withdrawn
- :: Ayurvedic
- :: Chiropractic
- :: Homeopathic
- :: Osteopathic
- :: TraditionalChinese
- :: WesternConventional
- :: Abdomen
- :: Appearance
- :: CardiovascularExam
- :: Ear
- :: Eye
- :: Genitourinary
- :: Head
- :: Lung
- :: MusculoskeletalExam
- :: Neck
- :: Neuro
- :: Nose
- :: Skin
- :: Throat
- :: CompilationAlbum
- :: DJMixAlbum
- :: DemoAlbum
- :: LiveAlbum
- :: MixtapeAlbum
- :: RemixAlbum
- :: SoundtrackAlbum
- :: SpokenWordAlbum
- :: StudioAlbum
- :: AlbumRelease
- :: BroadcastRelease
- :: EPRelease
- :: SingleRelease
- :: CDFormat
- :: CassetteFormat
- :: DVDFormat
- :: DigitalAudioTapeFormat
- :: DigitalFormat
- :: LaserDiscFormat
- :: VinylFormat
- :: NonprofitANBI
- :: NonprofitSBBI
- :: Nonprofit501a
- :: Nonprofit501c1
- :: Nonprofit501c10
- :: Nonprofit501c11
- :: Nonprofit501c12
- :: Nonprofit501c13
- :: Nonprofit501c14
- :: Nonprofit501c15
- :: Nonprofit501c16
- :: Nonprofit501c17
- :: Nonprofit501c18
- :: Nonprofit501c19
- :: Nonprofit501c2
- :: Nonprofit501c20
- :: Nonprofit501c21
- :: Nonprofit501c22
- :: Nonprofit501c23
- :: Nonprofit501c24
- :: Nonprofit501c25
- :: Nonprofit501c26
- :: Nonprofit501c27
- :: Nonprofit501c28
- :: Nonprofit501c3
- :: Nonprofit501c4
- :: Nonprofit501c5
- :: Nonprofit501c6
- :: Nonprofit501c7
- :: Nonprofit501c8
- :: Nonprofit501c9
- :: Nonprofit501d
- :: Nonprofit501e
- :: Nonprofit501f
- :: Nonprofit501k
- :: Nonprofit501n
- :: Nonprofit501q
- :: Nonprofit527
- :: ByBankTransferInAdvance
- :: ByInvoice
- :: COD
- :: Cash
- :: CheckInAdvance
- :: DirectDebit
- :: InStorePrepay
- :: PhoneCarrierPayment
- :: AerobicActivity
- :: AnaerobicActivity
- :: Balance
- :: Flexibility
- :: LeisureTimeActivity
- :: OccupationalActivity
- :: StrengthTraining
- :: ActivationFee
- :: CleaningFee
- :: DistanceFee
- :: Downpayment
- :: Installment
- :: Subscription
- :: InvoicePrice
- :: ListPrice
- :: MSRP
- :: MinimumAdvertisedPrice
- :: RegularPrice
- :: SRP
- :: SalePrice
- :: StrikethroughPrice
- :: ExchangeRefund
- :: FullRefund
- :: StoreCreditRefund
- :: DiabeticDiet
- :: GlutenFreeDiet
- :: HalalDiet
- :: HinduDiet
- :: KosherDiet
- :: LowCalorieDiet
- :: LowFatDiet
- :: LowLactoseDiet
- :: LowSaltDiet
- :: VeganDiet
- :: VegetarianDiet
- :: KeepProduct
- :: ReturnAtKiosk
- :: ReturnByMail
- :: ReturnInStore
- :: WearableSizeGroupBig
- :: WearableSizeGroupBoys
- :: WearableSizeGroupExtraShort
- :: WearableSizeGroupExtraTall
- :: WearableSizeGroupGirls
- :: WearableSizeGroupHusky
- :: WearableSizeGroupInfants
- :: WearableSizeGroupJuniors
- :: WearableSizeGroupMaternity
- :: WearableSizeGroupMens
- :: WearableSizeGroupMisses
- :: WearableSizeGroupPetite
- :: WearableSizeGroupPlus
- :: WearableSizeGroupRegular
- :: WearableSizeGroupShort
- :: WearableSizeGroupTall
- :: WearableSizeGroupWomens
- :: SizeSystemImperial
- :: SizeSystemMetric
- :: WearableSizeSystemAU
- :: WearableSizeSystemBR
- :: WearableSizeSystemCN
- :: WearableSizeSystemContinental
- :: WearableSizeSystemDE
- :: WearableSizeSystemEN13402
- :: WearableSizeSystemEurope
- :: WearableSizeSystemFR
- :: WearableSizeSystemGS1
- :: WearableSizeSystemIT
- :: WearableSizeSystemJP
- :: WearableSizeSystemMX
- :: WearableSizeSystemUK
- :: WearableSizeSystemUS
- :: EventCancelled
- :: EventMovedOnline
- :: EventPostponed
- :: EventRescheduled
- :: EventScheduled
- :: OfflinePermanently
- :: OfflineTemporarily
- :: Online
- :: OnlineFull
- :: InForce
- :: NotInForce
- :: PartiallyInForce
- :: OrderCancelled
- :: OrderDelivered
- :: OrderInTransit
- :: OrderPaymentDue
- :: OrderPickupAvailable
- :: OrderProblem
- :: OrderProcessing
- :: OrderReturned
- WarrantyScope
- FinancialIncentive
- FloorPlan
- GameServer
- GeospatialGeometry
- HealthInsurancePlan
- HealthPlanCostSharingSpecification
- HealthPlanFormulary
- HealthPlanNetwork
- Invoice
- JobPosting
- Language
- MediaSubscription
- MemberProgram
- MemberProgramTier
- MenuItem
- MerchantReturnPolicy
- MerchantReturnPolicySeasonalOverride
- Observation
- Occupation
- OccupationalExperienceRequirements
- Order
- OrderItem
- ParcelDelivery
- ProgramMembership
- Property
- PropertyValueSpecification
- Schedule
- Seat
- ServiceChannel
- SpeakableSpecification
- StatisticalPopulation
- CDCPMDRecord
- DatedMoneySpecification
- DefinedRegion
- EngineSpecification
- ExchangeRateSpecification
- GeoCoordinates
- InteractionCounter
- MonetaryAmount
- NutritionInformation
- OfferShippingDetails
- OpeningHoursSpecification
- OwnershipInfo
- PostalCodeRangeSpecification
- RepaymentSpecification
- ServicePeriod
- ShippingConditions
- ShippingDeliveryTime
- ShippingRateSettings
- ShippingService
- TypeAndQuantityNode
- WarrantyPromise
- Ticket
- VirtualLocation
- Airline
- Consortium
- Corporation
- FundingScheme
- GovernmentOrganization
- LibrarySystem
- AnimalShelter
- ArchiveOrganization
- ChildCare
- Dentist
- DryCleaningOrLaundry
- EmploymentAgency
- InternetCafe
- Library
- :: CommunityHealth
- Dentist
- :: Dermatology
- :: DietNutrition
- :: Emergency
- :: Geriatric
- :: Gynecologic
- :: Midwifery
- :: Nursing
- :: Obstetric
- :: Oncologic
- Optician
- :: Optometric
- :: Otolaryngologic
- :: Pediatric
- Pharmacy
- :: Physiotherapy
- :: PlasticSurgery
- :: Podiatric
- :: PrimaryCare
- :: Psychiatric
- :: PublicHealth
- ProfessionalService
- RadioStation
- RealEstateAgent
- RecyclingCenter
- SelfStorage
- ShoppingCenter
- AutoPartsStore
- BikeStore
- BookStore
- ClothingStore
- ComputerStore
- ConvenienceStore
- DepartmentStore
- ElectronicsStore
- Florist
- FurnitureStore
- GardenStore
- GroceryStore
- HardwareStore
- HobbyShop
- HomeGoodsStore
- JewelryStore
- LiquorStore
- MensClothingStore
- MobilePhoneStore
- MovieRentalStore
- MusicStore
- OfficeEquipmentStore
- OutletStore
- PawnShop
- PetStore
- ShoeStore
- SportingGoodsStore
- TireShop
- ToyStore
- WholesaleStore
- TelevisionStation
- TouristInformationCenter
- TravelAgency
- NewsMediaOrganization
- PoliticalParty
- ResearchOrganization
- SearchRescueOrganization
- WorkersUnion
- Airport
- Aquarium
- Beach
- BoatTerminal
- Bridge
- BusStation
- BusStop
- Campground
- Cemetery
- Crematorium
- EducationalOrganization
- EventVenue
- FireStation
- Hospital
- MovieTheater
- Museum
- MusicVenue
- Park
- ParkingFacility
- PerformingArtsTheater
- Playground
- PoliceStation
- PublicToilet
- RVPark
- StadiumOrArena
- SubwayStation
- TaxiStand
- TrainStation
- Zoo
- LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings
- LocalBusiness
- TouristAttraction
- TouristDestination
- Taxon